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"To the people who look up at the stars and wish."


I quickly ran my hand through the strawberry blonde locks as they ungracefully flung into my mouth, before rubbing the back of my neck. I paced around the small room, running my hands on the long white dress, the softest material you'd ever wear and sleeveless which showed of the tattoos of the tribe drawn into my skin.

It was traditional to our people for the girls going to the Nectar Ceremony to wear, just like the boys had their own and the tattoos showed our family, courage, and achievements. Both of these were a nervous habit that had grown after years of spending time with my father that I had not noticed until a fellow friend pointed out.

Although, it was expected since it was the day of the Nectar Ceremony. To be nervous was expected of those drinking the nectar because it might be something that could change your life or everything would go on as before.

I wanted to be ready for what might happen but my grandmother told me when I was younger that no one would ever be ready for what was to come. Her wise words still echoed through my head.

"Liviana, know that no matter how much you may prepare for what could appear after sipping that nectar, you can never be ready. No matter how many fights won or achievements you've gained, time will stop and it'll just be you and them, no one else will matter at that moment in time. One can never prepare for it because they do not know how it feels to have your other half right here." Her hand rested on my heart. "And once it happens, it will never leave your memory's and be something you'll always remember."

Deep breaths I took as my brown eyes flickered between my old wooden bedroom door and the soft ground, anxiously waiting for my grandmother to walk through to walk me to the Moonlight Tree.

For all I knew, nothing would happen and I would just be another disappointed person to continue on with life. Even if I didn't believe I wouldn't summon an animal, I wished for one, I wished to help make a change and save lives.

I dragged my feet over to the small mirror in the corner of the room checking my appearance to see if anything needed to be fixed because this is a once in a lifetime experience and I wanted to remember it.

The scraping of the door cutting off my train of mind, turning my head to the door to watch her small figure walk through. Her face soft and kind, her silky white hair in a low bun and wise blue eyes holding pride. She did not slouch once as she walks over to me with her hand out, holding one purpose.

"It's time."

I nodded, and with a shaky hand, I gripped hers giving a small smile as I kept my eyes locked with hers.

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