Part 22 - WSPD : September 10th

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Wednesday, September 10th (2014) will be the annual World Suicide Prevention Day. This day is to raise awareness through activities and events that suicide can be a preventable cause of  premature death. Events and activities can/will be arranged by organizations, government agencies, and individuals. Topics can include awareness, prevention, and illness.

        What exactly goes on?

"The launch of new government initiatives to prevent suicide.

Conferences, open days, educational seminars or public lectures.

Media programs promoting suicide awareness and prevention.

Memorial services or candlelight ceremonies to remember those who died from suicide.

Organizing cultural or spiritual events, fairs or exhibitions.

Launches of publications about suicide awareness and prevention.

Training courses about suicide and depression awareness."

        Is WSPD a holiday?

No, WSPDis not recognized as a public holiday, therefore it is not a "free" day.

        Additional Information:

WSPD was launched in 2003.     

3000 people commit suicide daily.

Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in people between the ages of 13-24.

 What is the goal of WSPD?

Sponsors, governments, organizations, and partners work together to help ensure that suicide is no longer stigmatized. The goal is to build political action and leadership skills to help combat suicide in a positive way.

        How can YOU help?

Make sure that you aren't using any terminology that could potentially harm the advance in suicide prevention. Spread awareness in your community/life, and help make a difference in someones life.

Remember, the best thing you an do for someone is ensure them that people care and get them any help that they may need.

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