Chapter 13

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Peter's POV
We have been searching for weeks for Y/n. She left no trail to follow so it's become impossible to find her. My conscience kept telling me to give up, she just didn't want to be found. I didn't know if I should listen to that little voice in the back of my head.
I hadn't spoken to Mr. Stark in a week. From what I know, he's still searching. Or at least that's what Happy told me.
Mr. Strange hasn't been the same since Y/n went missing. It's just odd since they really never got to know each other. For most of that time, Y/n was either being tortured or she didn't know who we were.
And Aunt May was clueless. I couldn't tell her anything or else, well, I wouldn't be allowed out of the house. But even then, I knew that she knows something's wrong. She's been constantly asking me questions and trying to keep an eye on me 24/7.
I sat at my desk, trying to finish my homework. But I couldn't focus. All I could think about was Y/n.
"Peter?" Aunt May questioned as she knocked on my door. "Yeah-yeah. What's up?" I said trying to hide my tear stained face.
"I was just going to ask you if you were okay if we have Thai for dinner-are you okay Peter?" She asked.
"I-uh-I'm fine just not really hungry." I replied.
"Alright. Now I know something's up." She said sitting down on my bed, ushering for me to sit next to her. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"
"No." I mumbled, shaking my head.
"Come on Peter. You can tell me anytime." She said, turning her body so she was facing me. " it about a girl?"
"I knew it! Well what's she like? When do I get to meet her? Do you sit with her-" That's when I burst into tears.
"Oh god Peter! Wait did I say?" She exclaimed, pulling her hand to her mouth.
"No no no! You're fine Aunt May!" I insisted. "It's just complicated."
"Well can you at least tell me who it is?" She asked.
"It's Y/n." I said. She stared at me with worried eyes. "What happened? She's such a wonderful girl."
"Yeah I know." I said putting my head down in my hands.
"Then can you stop stalling and tell me what-"
"She's gone." I mumbled.
"What do you mean gone?"
"She's gone. After the-the accident, she woke up and then she was gone." I responded, throwing my head down. "Oh Peter." Aunt May calmly spoke, pulled me into a hug.
"I just-I just don't know what to do. It was weeks ago and-and they still can't find her." I cried.
"I'm sure they'll find her soon." Aunt May insisted. "No they won't. They've stopped looking for her." I explained.
"What? Why?"
"I don't know actually." I responded. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, Aunt May finally spoke. "I'm going to go pick up a pizza from down the street instead of us going out. We'll pop in a movie when I get back. Alright?"
"Yeah. Okay."
She smiled and ruffled my hair just before walking out of the room. Once she was out, I quickly locked the door. I grabbed the broom and hit my ceiling, letting my suit fly into my hands. After slipping it on, I rushed out the window and began swinging off into the sky.
I was determined to find Y/n before it was too late.
I had been gone for hours. I told Aunt May that I had to go to Ned's house to finish a project I totally forgot about.
I sat at the top of one of the apartment buildings, deciding if it was time to call it for the night. I laid my head in my hands, rubbing my eyes to stay awake.
"I don't know where else to look." I mumbled to myself. "What if she's gone?" I asked myself.
"No Peter! Don't say that. She's okay. She's okay."
I looked out into the city, watching the cars fly by underneath me and the lights making the city glow.
Now it was almost 2am. My stomach was growling. I hadn't eaten since noon. I climbed down the wall and straight to Delmars. Thank goodness it's open 24/7. I walked into the deli, facing Mr. Delmar.
"Hey. What can I get for you Spider-Man?" He asked.
"Can I get a number 5 with pickles and smooshed down flat?" I asked.
"Sure thing." He answered as I gave him the money. "Do you happen to know a Peter Parker?"
"Oh uh no sorry." I stuttered. "Thank you Sir! Keep the change!" I said, quickly running out of the Deli. I jumped into the alleyway next door, making sure I was out of view before I began to eat.
I pulled the sandwich out of the wrapping and took a few bites. Just as I was going in for another, bite, I noticed a small puddle in the middle of the alley. The closer I got, the more peculiar the puddle became.
It was as if the puddle was glowing. It was almost green. I reached my hand down into the water, but the water never came. Instead, my hand fell through.
"What the heck?" I exclaimed, pulling my hand out quickly.
What if Y/n's in there? I thought. I attached my web to one of the ways and began to lower myself into the puddle.
I found myself in some kind of underground room. I dropped to the floor with a loud crunch. My head slowly peered down to the ground and noticed I had landed on skulls.
A shiver ran down my spine as I continued on.
She has to be here. I thought.
I walked though a long tunnel, following a red glowing light at the end. The closer I got, I began to here voices.
"I'm doing the best I can." A girl said.
"Well you're best isn't good enough!" A man yelled. "If you want to get back at your father for all the torture he put you through, then you have to actually try!"
I heard the girl yell and the room lit up red once more. I peaked my head around the corner and a girl. Her hair had grown white and her eyes were red. She stood proudly as the red flames burned from her finger tips.

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