Chapter 2

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Y/h/c~your hair color
Y/e/c~your eye color
First day at another new school. Usually my mom will drive me herself on my first day but this time, she had to work. So she insisted I take the bus. I slumped my way to the bus stop that morning.
After a few minutes of waiting, the bus pulled up and I made my way in. I could already see which group was which...the jocks, geeks, the popular stuck up bitches. Everyone school was exactly like the last. Just as we started to pull away, there was a small yell from behind us.
"HEY! WAIT UP!" The boy was running along side. Of course the bus driver didn't listen.
"HEY!!" The boy yelled again.
The bus driver still wouldn't stop.
"HEY SIR! STOP THE BUS!" I yelled. The bus driver came to an immediate stop. The boy sighed with relief as he walked up the steps and thanked the driver.
"Don't thank me kid. I wouldn't have stopped if the girl in the back hadn't started yelling." The bus driver noted. The boy looked up and began to walk down the isle, trying to find a seat.
"Late again eh Penis Parker." Another boy with caramel brown skin taunted; to which the boy just ignored.
"Is this seat taken?" He asked gesturing to the seat next to me. I shook my head and looked back down at my phone.
"I'm Peter by the way." He said stretching his hand out for me to shake.
Peter's eyes went wide as he slowly took his hand away. "Is there something wrong Peter?"
"No no it's have a beautiful name." He said blushing.
"Oh umm thanks." I felt my cheeks grow red hot, mimicking his.
~Peter's POV~
It was her, Y/n. The girl from last night. She looked even more beautiful in the light. Now that I was able to see of her features. She looked beautiful...the way one lock of y/h/c hair fell next her face. And the way her glistening y/e/c eyes danced around on her phone. She was perfect.
As the bus came to a halte, I turned back to
Y/n. "So I guess I'll see you around?"
"Yeah I guess." She answered, smiling as she walked off the bus.
"Penis Parker's got a girlfriend." Flash said as he slapped the back of my head while he walked off the bus. I pushed that aside when I saw Ned waiting on the steps.
"Hey Pete! I found another Star Wars Lego set and I was thinking we could maybe do it tonight- Hey are you listening?" He said snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Oh yeah, Star Wars lego set, my place, tonight." I answered.
Without skipping a beat Ned said, "you met a girl didn't you."
"I uh-" I was interrupted by the warning bell to get to class. "Welp...gotta go Ned. See you after class!"
"Shit Peter." He mumbled as I ran to my first period.
I took my seat just as the bell rang. The teacher began to take roll as someone knocked on the door.
It was Y/n.
~Y/n's POV~
After getting off the bus, I made my way to the office, which took a few minutes to find.
"Oh Miss Y/n. Have a seat." The guidance councilor instructed as she took her seat across from me.
She gave me the basic guidelines of this school, which are basically the same as every other.
No Fights, No Drugs, No Alcohol, etc. etc.
She handed me my schedule and sent me on my way. Before I could ask for help, she had already closed the door. She gave me no guidance, no map, nothing.
"Need help?" A voice called from down the hall.
"Oh yeah that would be helpful."
"I mean that's kind of the point." The girl with brown hair said.
"Looks like your first class is in I8." The girl with brown hair noted. "I'll show you where to go."
It was quiet for a minute before she spoke.
"So where are you from?"
"All over I guess."
"Is one of your parents in the military or something?" I questioned.
"Oh no no. It's kinda complicated."
"Gotcha. Well I hope we become good enough friends for you to explain." She said as we arrived at the classroom. "And here we are."
"Thank you uh-"
"Michelle. Michelle Jones."
"Y/n Y/L/N."
"Well nice to meet you Y/n. I'll see ya around." After she walked around the corner, I opened up the door to class.
"Hi. You must be Ms. Y/l/n I'm assuming?" The teacher questioned.
"Yeah that's me." I answered quietly.
"Welcome to Midtown High School. You can have a seat next to Mr. Parker." He said pointing to Peter.
"Thanks." I started to walk to my seat, feeling several pairs of eyes follow me. Once I took my seat, the teacher resumed his lesson.
"Hey." Peter whispered.
"Hi." I whispered back.
"How's your first day going?"
"Pretty good so far. I got lost trying to find the office."
"What a great way to start." He taunted. I stomped my heel into his foot which resulted in a small yelp from Peter.
"Is there a problem Mr. Parker?" The teacher asked, turning his body slightly.
"No. Mr. Coleman." Peter stuttered.
"Good then I suggest you stop talking to Y/n because she needs to catch up."
"Y/n! Wait up!" Peter called out, trailing my path.
"Hey Peter. What's up?"
"I was wondering, since you're new and all, would you wanna sit with us at lunch?"
"Define us."
"Oh just my friend, Ned, and I." I flashed a quick smile and replied by nodding my head. "That would be wonderful."
"Alright cool. Can I see your schedule? So I could possibly show you to your next class."
I handed him the slip of paper and he stared at it with wide eyes.
"We have every class together!" He said with excitement.
"Well, since we have every class together, how about you show me where to go."
"And that's what I shall do." He said holding out his arm for my to attach to.
I sat on my bed, scrolling through my phone when I  heard- tap tap tap. I looked up to see a pair of white eyes, staring at me It wasn't until I saw him wave, that I knew who it was.
"What's up Spidey?" I said while opening the window and hoping out. "Nothing much. Just doing my nightly patrol." Spider-Man said. "So how was your first day of school?"
"It was fine I guess."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Exactly how it sounds. It was fine." You said drawing out the word fine.
"Oh come on. I'm sure it was great. Did you meet anyone new? Any one cute?" He said nudging me with his elbow.
"Since when have you ever been concerned about my love life?" I asked.
"Since forever!" He shouted.
"I met you yesterday."
"Well then since yesterday. Besides, a pretty girl like you deserves the best." I could feel my cheeks begin to glow red.
There was a sudden beeping noise coming from Spider-Man's watch.
"I'm so sorry Y/n but I have to cut our talk short."
"That's okay. I guess saving the city is more important than talking to an boring girl like me." I said pouting.
"You're not boring-how about we go and do something tomorrow night. It'll be like an adventure with your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." He said giving a salut just before we swung off into the night.
I smiled once more as I watched his figure fade away into the night.
Oh what is this boy doing to me...

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