Chapter 5

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Your POV
I felt weak. Weaker then ever before. There were these green beams holding me up. I had no idea where I was or how I even got here. All I can remember is seeing a bright pair of eyes, staring at me before everything went black. Once my eyes were able to focus, I noticed a man wearing all green was walking towards. "Good. You're awake." He said bluntly.
"Why am I here?" I cried.
"I just need to ask you a few questions." He stated. "If you can answers these questions, then this will be a breeze. "
"And if I don't?"
"On simple terms, I'll begin to torture you until you tell me." He said.
"Well I guess I don't really have a choice." I noted.
"Nope. Alright then. First question. What is your full name?" He said walking around me.
"What? What does that have to do with-"
"Just answer the question!"
"Fine. My name is Y/f/n Y/m/n Y/l/n."
"Wrong!" He screamed, blasting me with some kind of energy, hitting me in the stomach and causing it to bleed. I screamed in pain.
"Let's try again, now that I have your attention. What is your name?"
"I just told you!"
"Wrong again!" He shouted, blasting another mean of energy at me making me scream louder. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" I screamed.
"I want you to tell me who you father is!"
"I don't know who he is! My father is dead!" I cried.
"He isn't dead and you know it!" I began to cry again. What did this man want?!
"Don't make me ask again!" The man yelled.
"And you don't have to." I heard a voice call from up above. I looked to see Ironman, slowly dropping to the ground. Then Spider-Man appeared next to him.
"Who the hell are you guys?" The man questioned.
"I-I'm Spider-Man and this is Ironman and-"
"He's not interested kid." Iron insisted. "What are you doing with the girl?"
"None of your concern. Now leave!"
"Sorry Mr. Mordo but you aren't the boss around here." Ironman said, blasting a beam at the man, hitting him square in the shoulder.
"Oh you're gonna pay for that." The man said, blasting a beam of energy towards Ironman.
"I'm a multi-billionaire. I can pay for anything." Ironman noted.
While Ironman and Mordo were fighting, Spider-Man was trying to figure out how to get me out. He looked completely puzzled but still tried to act as if he knew exactly what to do.
"It's okay Y/n. You're going to be fine. We'll take you back to headquarters and get you all fixed up-"
"Who is that guy?" I cried.
"I have no idea. But Ironman knows him somehow. He must be really bad cause we wouldn't let me face him alone." Spider-Man noted. "Damnit! I have no idea how to get these off!" He complained. He shot a web on each chain, and began to pull. But it was no use. We were losing.
Spider-Man realized that Ironman was losing and tried to help. But it was no use, Mordo had Spider-Man in a choke hold using his powers. Me. Mordo threw both of the heroes to the ground and made his way back over to me. "Now tell me where your father is and I may spare your friends lives."
"If you want to know where her father is, why don't you just turn around." Mordo turned around to see a man step though a portal, outlines in bright orange-yellow.
"I'm Doctor Stephen Strange and I want you to get the hell away from my daughter."

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