The Arrival to Konoha

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Real Name: Miyamoto Ayako

Cover up Name: Miyamoto Yukio

Age: 15

Height and Weight: 165 cm and 40 KG

Looks: She has long blonde hair that she ties to make it look shorter and wears a mask that’s conceals everything but the eyes. Her eyes are a strange violet that comes from the Miyamoto clan, so she wears colored contacts. She wears a mask like Kakashi, from his younger days, but in a black color. Wears light clothing, but wraps her chest with band aids to conceal her identity.

Time period: Naruto Shippuden


Yukio/Ayako POV

              I ran. My clan is dead. The Miyamoto clan was now extinct, all but one: I was the sole survivor of this massacre. We were a powerful clan that used Taijutsu; our Kekkei Genkai created a suit of armor, enhancing our natural Taijutsu abilities. Our ability was the interest of many. Everyone in my clan had been distinguished by the same eyes. They were darker shades of purple nearest to the pupils, and faded out into lavender towards the rim of my irises. Sure we knew a few ninjutsu, but that wasn’t enough to fend off the killers of the massacre who were blasting ninjutsu from every corber. My clan had no other real value, when put our Taijutsu aside. We lurked more in the shadows, and therefore not many people knew of us. I would gather information and avenge my clan, even if it meant death.

              While I fleed from the ambush, I had managed to grab a long black cloak with a hood and a mask. I needed to go to the Leaf. The fall of the Miyamoto clan had left me homeless, also allowing me to carry a plethora of emotions to unsettle in my heart. I was shunned often in my clan, but they were still my family. I watched a reply of my family getting murdered, bright and clear in my mind. That once bright, optimistic girl I once was, is long gone. I felt numb; almost as if I was incapable of feeling anything except vengence and anger.

                Soon, I reached the giant gates of Konoha. I approached the bored looking guards, who piped up at the site of me. “Uh, state your name, and business here in Konoha,” one guard said.

            “I would like to reside in Konoha,” I replied with a monotone voice. I was born with a voice that was rather hard to distinguish if it was male or female.

             “Well go see the Hokage-sama, she might help you with that,” the other guard said, “but just for precautions, we are sending you with an escort.”

              I nodded at them and waited for my escort to come. After a few minutes, he finally showed up. He wore a mask that covered everything but a single eye, and had silver hair that stuck up. “Yo,” he said. I replied with a curt nod, not wanting to use my voice more thsn necessary. “Well I’m Hatake Kakashi, and I’ll be your escort,” he said, sticking his hand out and scratching the back of his head. This is the famous Copy Ninja.

“I’m Miyamoto….” I paused, “Miyamoto Yukio.” I shook his hand, he stared, slightly puzzled at me. “So where are you from, Miyamoto-san?” he asked as we begun to walk.

            “Village Hidden in the Shrines.”

            “Ah, I should’ve known, Miyamoto means ‘shrine base’ right?”


            “It’s such a familiar sounding last name, do you have a kekkei genkai?”

            “That is none of your concern.”

            “Haha, sorry.”

            We soon arrived at the Hokage building, a great red shaped dome. I entered inside only to get trampled by a blonde ninja. “Gomen, gomen…” he grumbled as he looked at me, “Ehhh, who are you?” He pointed at me with a confused look.  

            “Yes I’d also like to know that,” said a female voice. I turned towards to find a familiar big boobed woman sitting at a desk reading papers.

             “I am sorry for intruding Hokage-sama, but I wish to speak to you in private please,” I replied in monotone. Hokage-sama sent all the jonin outside, along with the blonde boy in the black and orange jumpsuit. I took off my cloak and mask to the Hokage.

          ”Ayako??” she asked, wide eyed.

           “Hello Tsunade-san, it’s me, Miyamoto Ayako, I need a place to stay.”


Jenny: Hi everyone~ I hope you enjoy my very first wattpad story(:

Deidara: Heh, I'm I gonna be in it, un?

Jenny: No, but I love you Dei-kun~

Deidara: o,o" uh, yeah I love you too?

Jenny; Dei-kun, you bakka! (anime sobs)

Deidara: Uh, she doesn't own Naruto, un,

[edited p.s. hi guys im back]

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