Chapter Twenty Seven

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I think telling Tyler to pick a temperature snapped things into perspective because he seemed incredibly delicate with his words and attitude ever since. By no means was he kind, but he seemed more mindful about what he said and how he said it. At least it was a step up from snapping at me one minute then being kind the next.

I shook the thought of Tyler away as I approached the concession stand to order some popcorn for a film I was about to watch. It was my first Saturday night off since I was hired and I planned to treat myself to a date. Featuring me, myself, and I. They were doing a special screening of Breakfast at Tiffany's and I was super pumped to see my favourite film on the big screen.

After getting my popcorn, candy, and drink, I led myself to the theatre my movie was being screened. As I rounded the corner, I ran into someone. "Oh, crap. Sorry."

I looked up and came face to face with a girl I recognized from school. She was on the cheer squad and everyone either loved her or hated her. She flipped her platinum blonde hair over her shoulder and let out an annoyed sigh. "Seriously? You could've spilt that disgusting excuse for a drink all over my Calvin Klein outfit!"

"Morgan, I'm so s-" I started but stopped when I realized who she was clinging onto and my stomach sunk.

"C'mon, babe, let's just go," Tyler pulled on her arm, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but here. Morgan didn't argue with his plea and she stepped around me, hitting my shoulder as she walked away.

I turned to look at Tyler and he never looked back at me, as if I was nothing. Sighing, I continued walking into the theatre. My mind was racing and my thoughts were everywhere. I didn't know why it bothered me so much, that he was here with Morgan. It wasn't like him and I were friends that told each other everything, but I thought we made enough progress he would at least tell me about a stupid little date. Maybe this was payback for not telling him what was on my mind last Saturday. I rolled my eyes, sitting down in the absolute back row.

I should forget about it. This was Tyler we were talking about, he had a new girl every other week. This was normal for him and I was used to seeing him with girls all the time. So why was it sending me reeling over the thought of him being with someone else? No, I'm not going there. I'm going to drop this and enjoy my movie.

But throughout the whole film, all I could think about was Tyler.

When I got home, I decided that I needed to go for a run. I hadn't gone on one in awhile and I needed to get things off my mind. Thankfully, my dad was asleep, or else he'd never let me leave the house at this hour.

I changed into my running clothes and plugged my earbuds into my ears, making sure my music wasn't too loud so I could still hear my surroundings as I ran.

The cold air felt harsher than usual as a breeze hit my face. Despite its harshness, it felt refreshing. I ran down the street and into my usual trail. There wasn't much light, just what remained of the street lights that streamed through the thickets of the trees and what the crescent moon provided.

When I got towards my turning point, I sat on the bench to take a breather and think.

It was nights like these that I missed Tristan the most. Whenever I had anything on my mind, he was always the one I went to, even if I didn't necessarily know what was bothering me, Tristan was my voice of reason. He would talk to me until we worked through my emotions and figured out what was the cause of my distress. Now, I didn't have Tristan and I didn't know who I could turn to.

A week ago, I would have considered Tyler but now, just at the thought of him angered me beyond belief. Stella was great to talk to but she wouldn't be up at this time. With all the sports and extracurriculars, I knew she maintained a tight sleeping schedule. Lastly, Kimberly was nice to talk to but she wasn't the type of friend you'd talk to about serious things.

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