Chapter Eleven

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Tyler and I sat on my porch, staring at the vivid moon and listening to the sound of crickets chirping. I coughed awkwardly and wiped my nose with the sleeve of my hoodie. "I'm sorry you had to get caught in the middle of that. And that I fell down on top of you. And that a picture frame fell on your head."

"You think I'm mad that you fell down the stairs and up hurting the both of us?" Tyler breathed out with a small chuckle. 

I nodded my head and he shook his. "Juliet, I've known you since we were five and when we met, you fell off of a bike. That was a clear indicator you are a bit of a klutz."

"You remember how we met?" I asked, astonished that he'd remember such a thing, given his behavior towards me the past few years.

Tyler's husky voice cut through my thoughts and he rolled his eyes dramatically. "I only remember it because you ate my ice cream sandwich."

"Sure," I drawled out. "But you offered me it."

"You were crying! I hate it when y-," He paused. "I hate it when people cry. It makes me uncomfortable and I don't like having to deal with other people's emotions."

"So, if you don't like dealing with other people's emotions, why did you punch Blake? So I could stop crying?"

Tyler threw his hands up in the air. "I punched him because he's an asshole that has hated me since day one. That prick deserved it."

I remained silent but then I remembered the night Ari and I crashed his party. "When Ari and I cut the power during your party you chased us and yelled at her saying you warned her. And back in the cafeteria on my first day back, you asked Blake if he was going to tell me something. You knew, didn't you?"

"I uh-" He rubbed his hand on his jaw and thought long and hard about what he was going to say. "I knew, I walked in on them going at it once when I was meeting Chad at his place. They begged me not to say anything because they said they'd tell you as soon as you got back. When that didn't happen, I started holding it over their heads, hoping they would tell you."

"Why?" I scrunched my face in confusion.

"I would want to know if my best friend was banging my ex," He shrugged his shoulders and got up to leave. "Later." He walked down the street without looking back.

I took my eyes off of Tyler's back and looked at the moon again. It stood so boldly in the middle of the sky, it was almost hypnotic. I thought back to everything that happened tonight and at first my initial reaction was to cry again, but instead I took a few deep breaths to process everything. Ariel and Blake are together. They are in love. I couldn't decide if I was mad because they went behind my back or mad for how Blake talked to me after I found out. Who was I kidding? I was mad for both reasons. Sure, I didn't love Blake anymore but it still hurt that they wouldn't tell me and then make me go on a date with Blake when they both full well knew nothing good would come of it. And then Blake has the audacity to tell me it was my fault because I left? It was all too much.

Dusting off my pants, I stood up and went to my house, wanting nothing more than for sleep to consume me.

The next morning, I woke up to five voicemails. Three from Ariel and two from Blake. Ariel said essentially the same thing three times. "J, please call me back. I think we can talk this out. I am really sorry we didn't tell you when you got back, I just didn't want you to hate me. Love you, call me." Whereas Blake simply stated gruffly. "Look, I'm sorry for acting like a jackass last night but don't take it out on Ariel. Just please call her back, thanks."

I hated the fact I was mad at them because if I was mad at them, that meant I had no one to talk to or confide in. But I couldn't shake off the hurt so quickly. I needed time to absorb everything that happened.

After laying in my bed for a few minutes, I decided I didn't want to sulk around and fester around the house all weekend, lonely and bored. Instead, I decided I was going to get up, get dressed in a nice outfit, and spend the day downtown. Maybe even look for a job to keep me busy. Finding my high-waisted black skirt, creme colour knitted long sleeved shirt, black sheer tights, and burgundy infinity scarf, I dressed in one of my favourite outfits and nodded at myself in approval. I headed to the bathroom and did some light makeup and curled my long chestnut hair. The thing I did was put on my knee high boots before I skipped into the kitchen. "Morning Daddy."

Dad lowered his novel and peered over it through his glasses. "Why are you awake before noon?"

I laughed as I opened the refrigerator door and pulled out some orange juice. "I thought maybe I could go out and visit some of the small shops that are downtown. Maybe try to get a job at one of them, you know, to keep me busy."

He nodded his head slowly. "Are you sure you're ready for a job? It's your last year of high school, I don't want you to bite off more than you can chew."

"I'm sure," I responded enthusiastically, taking a sip of my juice. "I want to keep busy."

Dad closed his book completely and rested it on the kitchen table. He eyed me carefully. "Alright, but if your grades start going down, you are to prioritize school and quit your job, understand? Good grades equal good future."

I smiled at my dad. "Of course."

A few hours later, I was walking down the busy downtown streets with multiple shopping bags in hand. Not only did I buy an unnecessary amount of clothes, but I also bought an obscene amount of books because there was a sale, and when there's a sale, there's no stopping me. I was contemplating going home when I walked by a small cafe that had books surrounding the walls and had couches spread throughout the place. It look like a cute little lounge, only a couple of people occupied the place so I decided to go inside and take a look and see if they were hiring.

When I walked in, I was greeted by a chime of the bell that rested above the door and the smell of cinnamon and coffee. The smell of bliss. I walked over to the counter where the cash register was and a series of ten stools were positioned next to it. An older woman, around my father's age bolted up from the floor. "Well, hello there! Sorry, I spilled some of the flour while baking. How can I help you?"

I took a minute to respond because I didn't know what to focus on, her wildly long black hair that almost reached her waist, or her sharp green eyes, or the flour that lingered on her cheeks. I gave her a small wave. "H-hi, I'm Juliet. I was wondering if you were hiring?"

The woman wiped her hands on her dark green apron and rested them on her hips. "You know, I was just saying to my husband how I needed some help around here and of course my son refused, he can be a twit. He's a bit of a ladies man and obviously has better things to do than work for the woman who gave him life and all that jazz."

The woman threw her hands around enthusiastically as she spoke and I just nodded along to her tangent so I didn't seem like I wasn't engaged in the conversation. A few minutes later she finally wound down and let out a laugh. "Anyway, what I'm trying to say is yes, we're hiring. Do you have any barista experience?"

I shook my head and she waved her hand in dismissal. "Oh who cares? I can teach you or my son can, despite not working here as a full time gig, he helps out occasionally. I'm sure I can rope him in if I tell him a pretty girl needs to be trained."

I didn't know how to respond so I smiled and the woman clapped her hands together. "Alright, you've convinced me. You're hired! Be here for four o'clock on Thursday. My name is Crystal."

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