Chapter Five

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I sat in my bed, staring at my phone, waiting for my alarm to go off, even though I've yet to sleep. I could feel the bags under my eyes grow larger at every second that ticked by and I groaned because I knew I was going to have to put a pretty heavy dose of concealer and whatever else would work to hide them. Part of me wanted to stay home, I wasn't in the best shape to go to school, but I knew if I stayed my dad would call the doctor and make a bigger deal than necessary.

My alarm sounded, making jump as it had cut me from my thoughts. Annoyed at the obnoxiousness of it, I quickly shut it off and got dressed for school. Trying to look as upbeat as I could, I put on my favourite sundress that I got in California. It was a light blue, almost turquoise, with thin straps and pink carnations sprawled on the skirt of the dress. I then went to the bathroom to apply as much makeup as I could that would cover up my bags but still look somewhat natural. Finally, when I was satisfied with my faux natural look, I got lazy with my hair and threw it into a high ponytail.

Outside, I heard a car horn beep and I casually went up to the window to see the culprit. I peered down only to see a car I didn't recognize. Shrugging my shoulders, I started towards my stairs and tried to locate my flats when the doorbell rang, causing me to yelp as I was in the closet closest to my front door. Straightening myself out and slipping my dark blue flats, I opened the door.

"Hey J," Blake grinned. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet and was biting his lip hesitantly. "I thought you'd want a ride to school and maybe get some Starbucks? My treat."

He quickly added the last sentence and I felt myself smile. Ariel was right, nothing is weird, it's all in my head. I nodded my head and grabbed my bag from the bench in the front hall and locked the door.

Blake walked me over to his car and opened the passenger door for me, placing a quick kiss on the top of my head as I got in. He soon was in the driver's seat and began to head to the closest Starbucks. We drove in silence, which left my stomach feeling uneasy. Usually, it was comfortable when Blake and I would ride together without constantly having to converse. But now, it felt empty. Shaking myself from all negative thoughts, I brought myself to speak. "So, was the car a birthday present?"

"Close," Blake said, shooting me a glance. "Christmas."

I nodded my head, looking around the interior of it. The seats were cozy and even had heaters. I couldn't identify what kind of car it was though, I'm terrible at naming cars. The only reason I know Chad drives a Sedan is because he named it Sydney. Sydney the Sedan. You couldn't forget that name even if you tried. Believe me, I tried.

Blake pulled up to the drive-through and cocked an eyebrow. "Double Chocolatey Chip frappuccino?"

I shook my head and scrunched my nose. "Nah, I'm not a fan of that one anymore. Can I have the Vanilla Crème one?"

Blake nodded his head, giving me a smile that didn't reach his eyes like they usually do. "Oh, okay."

For whatever reason, my stomach filled with uneasiness when he said that. Something was off. I couldn't pinpoint it but something between us was different. I just wish I knew what it was.

I sat in art class, staring blankly at the board as my teacher drawled on about the latest assignment we have to complete. It was after lunch and I spent my whole day dedicated to avoiding everyone. And I mean everyone. In homeroom, I kept my head down and my music on, letting it be a clear indicator to Chad and Ariel I did not want to talk.

At lunch, I went to the library and started rereading Lord of the Flies, a book that I've read almost every year ever since I stumbled upon it. Now I'm in art, a class where most kids don't speak to each other because they're so focused on their own projects. Luckily, none of my friends were in this class, so I didn't have to worry about stringing a sentence together. It seemed rude to ignore everyone, I know that. But I'm just too tired I can barely keep my eyes open or my sentences sane. After the awkward ride to school with Blake, as soon as I got to school I could barely piece together one word with another I was so tired.

I was about to doze off as my teacher continued to speak but was snapped awake when the classroom door swung open and slammed shut.

"Mr. Jones what is the meaning of this interruption?" Mr. Kaley snapped, upset that his class was interrupted.

Tyler stood at the door and I straightened my posture. The last thing I wanted was for him to point out I look awful and walk away only moments after again. His eyes landed on me and they flashed with amusement. Keeping them on me as he responded, he said, "Sorry, Sir. I got kicked out of wood-shop and this is the only class available at this time."

I immediately face palmed as he said he got kick out of shop. How the hell does one manage to get kicked out of wood-shop?

"Apparently it's frowned upon to threaten to pound someone's skull into the saw," he said as he took the empty seat beside me.

I looked up and gave him a look a pure confusion while everyone stared at us. "What?"

"You asked how the hell does one manage to get kicked out of wood-shop," he grinned. "So I answered your question."

I face palmed again, mentally kicking myself for saying that out loud. Now everyone was staring at me and I wanted nothing more than to avoid Tyler and have a nap. He was only going to make this class harder than it needs to be and I have zero interest in dealing with his spiteful comments all period for the whole semester. Looking up, I stared at him grimly. "Do you even know how to use a pencil?"

"Why," Tyler began, feigning an expression of hurt. "I'm an artist, can't you tell?"

I snorted and rolled my eyes. The class turned back to the board and continued to listen to Mr. Kaley ramble. Slowly, I began to drift off into a slumber when someone elbowed me hard in the ribs. Knowing that someone was Tyler, I ignored him. But he elbowed me again, this time harder than before. "Wake up. You sound like a fucking lawn mower."

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