newyears with them

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-doesn't give a flying fuck
-will stay up with you though
-just wants to sleep
-only thing that excites him is the fireworks
-will buy a huge pack so he has something to do
-will watch a movie before midnight
-finds it funny how you make a big deal about it(if you do.)
-acts irritated the entire time
-will end up just staring at you hoping you'll say you guys don't have to do anything
-you never do
-after it all he actually enjoyed it
-he realized that he was starting a new year with you
-that made him happy:)))

-boi is about the fire works
-dude goes all out
-for no reason
-buys those jumbo packs
-also sneaks beers over
-a total dumbass
-drags you into it
-if you don't like it he'll try to make it so you enjoy it
-if you do like it, he gets sUper excited.
-gets super fidgety once it hits 11pm.
-caves and starts letting them off at 11:45
-you have to supervise him and make sure he doesn't burn down something
-fire boi

-also didn't really care
-only participated because you wanted too
-would go along with anything you did
-junk food binge
-if you let off fireworks he'd be into it
-would make sure you guys let off the smaller ones first and such
-if you weren't, he'd be down.
-just chill with it
-cause he don't give a damn really
-only likes it because, like Henry, he's spending another year with you

-likes it
-almost as much as Patrick
-but not as psycho
-will take you to the movies
-out to a nearby diner too
-all cute ya know
-buys the BIG stuff
-the things with like fifty fireworks in one
-makes sure your protected if something were to go wrong but besides that, he's in heaven.
-will only let them off at like 10:30-11
-after that he drives you guys like a town over so you can watch a big ol' show there


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