What they would do after sex

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-Henry would be that mf who would sleep.
-once he calmed down he would try to sleep.
-he would most likely cuddle up to you.
-ask if you're okay, make sure you're fine.
-if he couldn't sleep at first he would run circles into your am.
-rest his head in the crook of your neck.
-soft Henry has come out.
-a lot more sweet if it was regular sex but oh boi if was the angry fucking(DID I JUST WRITE THAT)
-if he was mad while doing it he would sorta just lay there or sit up and stay at the ground/pace the room.
-would look back you and ask you constantly if you were okay or uncomfortable.

-he would lOve to stare at you.
-even though he compliments you during, continues to compliment you after
-calling you nicknamed and such.
-he would be pretty chill afterwards and only occasionally sleep.
-would be a bit more cuddly
-soft Patrick would be here
-sometimes I feel like Patrick would also be moody as hell
-like he would be sweet and sassy afterwards
-mixed emotions I guess

-he would be a bit embarrassed
-he would want to comfort you and cuddle but would not look you in the eyes for a while afterwards
-he would always tell you to go to the afterwards because mans is hygienic
-after like a half hour he would cave and start being hella cuddly
-he would also try to play a character, like depending on what y'all did the bed, he would be(for example) smirky and sly
-wiggly eyebrows

-not quite sure what belch would do here
-I feel like he would be just chill
-would wrap one arm around you and want to lie down for while
-most likely turn on some music
-would also be more sweet
-wouldn't want to talk though
-belch would also be a bit drowsy, so he would sleep sometimes
-but if you tell him not to he would be up
-also, hoe is always wanting a round 2
-don't expect him to not ask, cuz boy he will

Shit I started this chapter two weeks ago and I just now finished
I got to take today off because it's a half day for school and I didn't want to go:))
Happy early thanksgiving to! I'm on a diet so I'm suffering:))

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