Chapter 6-JUNE

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FYI June's eyes aren't blue, she wears blue contacts to cover up her gold eyes and she's paler.

But otherwise that picture on the right is her.


I rubbed my eyes slowly and lifted my head off... Devin's chest?!?!

What the...

"Hey love." said Devin softly.

"What happened?"I said bluntly.

"Nothing. We went inside to the living room. We started watching a movie on the couch. You fell asleep with your head on my chest and here we are. You are still a virgin. "He said grinning.

I glared at him. He chuckled.

"You are so pretty when you are mad."He said, as the rest of the family entered the room.

"Awwwwww Ari!"giggled Alice. Did they hear that whole exchange? And Edward.. Oh crap.

"Ari, I blocked out the sentences after the first one. But that was bad enough." said Edward.

Emmett grinned hugely.

What had been the first thing I thought that was bad?

"Ari!"Alice screamed.

I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on Alice.

She looked like she was already planning a wedding. And we weren't even married yet!

I put into her thoughts a scene of me saying no.

She scowled at me and I grinned.

"Devin, want to go hunting?" I asked.

He nodded and I went to go change.

I slipped on some neon green skinny jeans and my tee shirt with an abstract design on it.

We headed out to the woods and I sniffed.

I pointed towards the north and he nodded.

We went towards that direction.

I saw the deer first. I nodded towards the deer and he nodded back.

I raced towards a deer and began.

--------20 Minutes Later--------

Devin and I left the woods fully refreshed.

I started towards the house but he pulled me back.

"Now it's time for you to meet my family." he said softly.

I bit my lower lip nervously and he laughed.

"She's not that mean. At least to people she love." he said, pulling me onto his back.

------------June's POV------------

Why the crap does Devin have to bring the brat home?

I don't want to frickin know her, nor do I need to.

She will dump him instantly.

I whispered in Devin's mind, "Are you bringing the dog home yet?"

He said back, "Language Ju. And yes, we are coming home now. Be nice."

I let a slow growl bubble to my lips.

Then I heard a car door slam.

I sighed and looked over my clothes.

I had on a white tee-shirt with rips in it. Showing through the rips was a black and pink striped tank top. I was wearing black skinny jeans and my black converse.

The door opened.

"Ju! We're home." Devin called.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever."I called back, scowling.

I heard him whisper to her, "June is temperamental at times. She's bipolar, I think."

I heard the dog say, "You are mean Devin. She probably just hates my guts. I would if I were her."

Great. Dog was kind and compassionate too.

I mind-whispered to Devin," Grrrr... Why are all the girls you pick nice, but they dump you immediately."

"She won't dump me. She's special Ju. "He whispered back.

Yeah yeah and pigs fly.

Devin and the Dog entered the room.

I sniffed slightly, inhaling the disgusting scent of something sweet, something like wet dog, and something florally.

"I'm Ari." said the Dog, smiling gently.

"That's June." said Devin, answering for me.

"I have a friggin voice Dev."I scowled at him.

"You're Devin's older sister, right?" said Ari.

"Yeah and you're the dog he's been babbling about."I said rudely.

"Ju. Be nice." said Devin, getting all protected.

"It's okay. I'm just as much of a donkey as she is right now." Dog said, grinning.

I scowled at both of them.

"I like your highlights." Dog said, reaching out and touching one.

I pulled back as Devin pulled her back.

"Don't touch me." I said, growling.

"Ari, listen, I have a few things to do so could you stay here and hang out with Ju?" said Devin.

I mind-whispered to Devin," No friggin way. "

He mind-whispered back, " Yes Ju. You need to see how amazing she is."

I scowled at him as he left the room.

"So June..." said Dog.

"Listen Ari or whatever, I don't like you. You don't like me. Dev has been hurt way too many times for me to fall for this act."I growled.

"Okay June. Whatever act you are imagining keep on doing that. When you want to be friends, I'm ready." said Ari, sitting on the chair.

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