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Alistair sets up the tents. While Morrigan and I began cooking.
It was eeriely quiet, we could hear the sound of crickets and frogs. Alistair joins us after he sits up tents. He was standing close to me. I could feel his warmth and for a moment my hand skims his. I look up to see him blushing fiercely. Ahem, if you two are done coddling then we can eat. Morrigan says rudely. Was she jealous. I quickly turn my gaze from him and pour us a bowl. We sit on the ground. He joins me again sitting close to me. We ate in silence. Once we were done. We cleaned and headed to our tents, Alistair took the first watch. I collapsed in my tent. The warm covers was my safe Haven. I fell asleep clutch my mothers necklace.

Alistair p.o.v
My watch was boring. My back was turned towards Valena tent. How many times had she watched over me. I thought.
I turn my attention to the fire.
Was I starting to fall in love with her. I thought as I smiled. The fire crackled causing me to jump.
I hear her mumbling and stirring. Nightmare I bet. She will have those more since becoming a grey Warden. I thought sadly.
I hear whimping and crying.
I kneeled in front of her tent.
Please be decent. I thought as I pushed open the flaps.
Her forehead was beaded with sweat causing her blonde locks to stick to her kneck and forehead.
She opens her and sits up.
I scoot closer and placed a hand on her face.
Nightmare, I saw you stirring and mumbling, I thought I would come to you, a fun perk of being a grey Warden. I say sarcastically gaining a chuckle from Valena.
She puts her hand on mine and smiles. Thank you Alistair. For everything. She says sweetly and before I knew what I was doing. I pressed my lips to hers. She didn't pull away or move. I looked at her. I am sorry. I didn't mean.... I began but was interrupted by her crushing her lips on mine. Her mouth moved in a dance with mine and I forced myself to pull. She was breathing heavily. She looked at me and a smile sad appeared on her lips as she pushed herself out of her tent. I watch as Morrigan  approached me.  What's wrong with V. She demands slightly mad. I blushed and shrugged. As I exit the tent she placed a hand on my wrist and stopped me.
Don't play with her feelings, she may seem like she's okay, but what she went haunts her. She says sadly. I was taken back for a moment. She never told me what happened but I could guess.
She told you what happened. I ask clearly shocked. She hasn't told me yet! Does she not trust me. I ask clearly hurt that she did not trust me. I am sure she has her reasons. Morrigan hummed.
I began walking back to my tent when I see Valena emerge from the trees. She makes eye contact with me and quickly head towards Morrigan.
Maker, I am such a idiot. I thought as I laid down. Sleep quickly took me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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