Murderers with Smiles and Champagne

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Murderers with Smiles and Champagne

Caroline stood in a circle with the other tributes side by side to her. They were all clothed in the mandatory training gear - clothing that was given upon arrival to their District's apartment in the training center. Later that day, they were all gathered in the training room, just two days after having been reaped for the 68th Hunger Games. The room itself was located in the sub-levels of the building.

The training room was full of equipment and a variety of trainers with different skill sets. There were almost a dozen survival stations on one side and the other had multiple areas to practice and/or learn fighting skills, with or without weapons. Caroline eyed the knife and bow station for a moment before quickly looking away. She had to remember what Finnick told her. She had to avoid showing off her best abilities because if she did, the advantage of surprise would be lost.

He recommended trying something new today, to either better herself or focus on the survival skills. He knew she was good at a lot of things already thanks to their behind-the-scenes training but he was just as worried as she was. He wanted her to be prepared for anything. He wanted her to come home just as much as she did.

Standing in front of them was the head trainer Atala Marnowa. She was a tall and slender woman with dark black hair tied into a sharp bun. There was no smile on her face, only exhaustion based in her features with a hardened shell to contain herself. She had been doing this job for far too long – trained too many children even though she knew sometimes it was useless. She and the other trainers below her were dressed normally - no over-the-top clothing or makeup could be seen on any part of their bodies. They looked just as tributes did but with a few slight alterations.

Atala stared at them as she began explaining what everyone was doing here – what they were to accomplish by the end of the three-day training period. She went on to describe everything that was about to happen in the Games, everything that they'll possibly need to prepare.

The tributes around the head trainer looked between themselves as she continued. It was almost as if they were sizing each other up to decide what was the best course of action to go with.

Caroline tried to ignore everything around her and listen to what she might be facing, but it becoming exceedingly difficult considering she could feel multiple pairs of eyes bearing down on her, both from above in the Gamemakers box and the other tributes.

She didn't want to sound conceded or egotistical but it nearly felt like there were too many people staring at her ... like she was being pointed out or something. She didn't want to be the center of attention – she had never liked that, it grated her nerves in a way she didn't like.

She could have sworn the male tribute from District One was smirking at her from the side and it made her insides feel a shiver down its spine. Everyone knew of District 1 and 2, they were traditionally the volunteer Districts of Panem. They were always brutal when they kill and full of arrogance when they speak. Every year they manage to hold the title of most kills and it was disgusting to even see how joyful they looked about killing other children their age.

Technically Districts aren't allowed to train their people for the Hunger Games but somehow, the two lower Districts are able to get away with it. Since they are closer with the Capitol and provide certain resources, it created a bit of leeway. In the other Districts, they're labeled as Careers. Conceited but potentially deadly.

She attempted to observe everyone in the room herself, to get a better feel for who she was up against. Trying to ascertain how she'll have to get past all of them in order to go home to her little brother.

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