The Time Has Come

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Note: Forgot to mention that the actress lookalike for Caroline Winters is Candice King but with long hair. Enjoy!

"Everything I've never done, I want to do with you"

~ William Chapman ~


The Time Has Come

Caroline Winters felt a horrible wave of deja-vu as she stood in front of the stage where all the reapings took place every year, located inside of the towns square. There was a light brush of wind in the sky and the sun beamed down on them, making the air feel as though they were all wrapped in a warm hug. Not likely, though, given what today was going to bring.

She stood in a three-way roped off area on the left side of the stage, just below it with Annie Cresta and Mags either side of her. In another confined area, off to the right, was Finnick standing on his own closed off space.

She silently craved his comfort, for his arms to be wrapped around her ... even just a hand to hold. Their eyes met for a second and judging by the way he gazed at her, he was feeling the exact same way. She tried thinking of this morning and the way she felt with him being within pressing distance. It made her feel a little better, but not by much. She had to make do with the longing sensations driving through her.

She finally broke eye contact with him to observe everything happening around her. Her eyes wandered briefly towards the fish-like glass bowls stationed on the stage, sitting on their own stands. One had three small folded slips of paper - the other had one. Usually, those bowls were jam-packed with names but this year there were very little choice lambs to pick from. Caroline couldn't help but let a frown of disgust fill her features as she stared at them.

Those objects literally held people's live in hostage.

Part of her was glad that this year innocent children wouldn't be sent into the arena ... to kill each other off. To lose their innocence like so many had before. However, in saying that, they were now the chosen cattle that would fight to the death. Even though this year would be different, she was sure many people would still die, especially those who weren't in the loop of what was going to happen next. Only the select few knew what was going to happen. Not all the details, but enough for it to help the cause and reach the ultimate goal.

Deep down; the main reason she was immensely relieved about the change of tributes is that her brother had just turned 12. In the Hunger Games, tribute ages started at 12 and went all the way up to 18. Her brother's name would have been placed in the reaping bowl. President Snow's smirking features flashed before her eyes and her throat tightened in response. She wouldn't have put it past him to hijack the reaping nomination and make her brother's name pop out as the choice.

She imagined what would happen when the Hunger Games were over ... for good. It wasn't a perfect world, but it would be safe. Children wouldn't be forcefully sacrificed for the amusement of the sick individuals in the Capitol. Victors wouldn't be toyed with, punished for winning, or be made to do something they would never want to do willingly. Another result she pictured - her brother would never have to know the fear of potentially being reaped to die like she did, like their parents and their parents before they did.

She imagined everyone she cared for being free from all this death and poison.

1800 children.

That's the count of murdered children ... caused by the Hunger Games. That total also included the victors of the past 74 games because whether they want to admit it or not, the moment they were thrust into that arena, they would never become who they were again. You could even say that for the districts that took pride in raising winners - they killed their children before even sending them out to die. Never having a childhood, never being anything other than a killing machine in the works.

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