The Crash

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Alfred woke up and put on his glasses. He turned around, only noticing that Ivan still wasn't home. 'I mean, he did go on a business trip.'. He got dressed and ate breakfast. His phone started to ring. Alfred picked up his phone and answered it. "Hello.". "Alfred! You need to get to the hospital, quick!". It was Natalia. "Ok, I'll be there, what happened.". "I'll tell you at the hospital.". "Okay.". Alfred put his phone in his pocket and got in his car.

~Time skip~

Alfred walked up to Natalia. "W-what happened?". He noticed Lily, Katyusha, and Matthew sitting next to her. Everyone was silent. "I-Is it I-Ivan....". Natalia nodded. "His boss called Kat. I-Ivan's flight c-crashed...". Tears formed in Alfred's eyes. "I-Is he o-okay?". "I-I don't know. H-He should be, I mean, we a-are countries a-anyways."

The doctor came out. "All visitors for Ivan Braginski may see him." Everyone got up and walked over to Ivan's room. When they got into the room Alfred went right next to Ivan. "A-are you o-ok." Ivan gave Alfred a weak smile. "Y-yeah, its just a few broken bones. Нет необходимости беспокоиться.". Alfred smiled, a couple of tears falling down his cheeks.

~A few days later~

Ivan was able to come home today. Alfred stayed up almost all night, worrying about Ivan. He had gone through all the struggles it would take for him to take care of Ivan and himself.


Yet another short chapter


Нет необходимости беспокоиться: No need to worry in Russian

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