Telling Ivan

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Alfred was sitting in the living room, thinking about how he should tell Ivan he's pregnant. He then gave up on it. "Ivan, could you come here!". Ivan walked into the room and sat down. "What is it Alfred?". "I-Ivan, I-I'm p-pregnant.". Alfred's eyes teared up, thinking Ivan was going to hate him. "How long have you known?". Ivan's tone sounded like he was irritated. "I-im on my fifth month so...about three months..".

An evil aura came from Ivan. "Have you been keeping this a secret, you could of told me when you found out.". "I-Ivan it wasn't a secret I just, didn't know how to tell you.". Ivan became more irritated. "Alfred, its just two words.". "I-I wanted to tell you in a special way..". "It didn't need to be that special you know. its only two f---ing words.".

Alfred was almost in tears at this point. Ivan sighed. "I want you out of my house Alfred.". He knew it, Ivan made him leave. "NO!". "I said LEAVE, NOW!!". Alfred was now heart-broken. He got up. "FINE ILL LEAVE YOU DUMB COMMIE BASTARD. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT THIS CHILD IS TO ME ANYWAYS!!!". The door slammed behind Alfred. He got into his car and left.

Alfred parked his car in the Mc Donald's parking lot. He pulled out his phone and texted Matthew.

From Alfred: Hey Mattie, can I stay at your place for a while, maybe until I can possibly go back to Ivan's place.

Alfred set his phone down and tried to start his car, only realizing it was out of gas. Then his notification sound went off. Alfred picked up his phone.

From Matthew: Sure. What happened?

From Alfred: I'll talk about it over there. Also my car is out of gas, could ya pick me up.

From Matthew: Ok, where are you.

From Alfred: Mc Donalds.

From Matthew: I'll be there soon.

Alfred put his phone down. About five minuets later Matthew's car pulled up. Alfred got in the car. "So, Alfred, what happened.". Katyusha was also in the car so Alfred decided that she should know to. "Ivan was a jerk and kicked me out when I told him I was pregnant.".

Matthew suddenly had an evil aura like Ivan's. "Why the heck would he do that?". "I-I don't know dude. I think he's still pissed about that whole Cold War thing.".


The next chapter will be about him telling Arthur and Francis about what happened

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