Chapter 8

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{Dahvie's P.O.V.}

Beep Beep Beep

My alarm clock sounded waking me up. I reached over, cutting it off and looking down to see Jayy sleeping soundly on my chest. He was so cute when he slept. Unfortunately I had to wake him up.

"Jayy," I whispered watching as he stirred before slowing fluttering his eyes open. 

"Good morning beautiful" He smiled and looked at his phone. "Why are you awake so early? It's almost 5." I giggled at his bed hair, "We have school today, remember I said our last year starts today." Jayy blinked then raised up. "Fucking christ on a cracker" he mumbled before getting up and going into the bathroom. I just shook my head and went downstairs to make breakfeast. I honestly can't believe this is our last year in highschool, then what? College? I shook the thoughts out of my head and took out the eggs. 

"Dahvs, can you bring me my makeup, its in the downstairs bathroom!?" Jayy yelled from the bathroom. 

"Sure." I said not yelling as I felt if I did my whole body would collapse. I opened the last drawer under the counter and started to look through his bag from the makeup he wished for, but I found something else. Condoms and a guys number. 

Andy Biersack- *Number*

I stumbled back not being able to take it all in at once. He was cheating on me this whole time?

"The fuck is this?" I said trying hard not to sound as hurt as I felt. "Wh-Why the hell do you have this?" My voice cracked as I held up the condoms and piece of paper. 

"Uh, I can explain." He said dropping his hair brush.

"Really? Can you honestly explain to me why you have someone else's number along with fucking condoms? Do you think I'm fucking stupid? I cant even look at you." I said tearing up the paper, throwing the condoms at him, and running out of the house. 

Great its raining. 

I didnt even care I was getting soaked, I just kept running. I felt as if I was about to bust, honestly I wanted to die. He used me, He cheated me. Fucking fuck, I cant believe I was so stupid. 

When I got to the bus stop I started coughing and shivering; A jacket would be lovely right now. 

"Hey!" I heard a british female voice yell out from across the street. "Are you okay?!" It yelled again and seemed to be getting closer.

I looked over towards it to see a face I didnt know. "Your gonna get pnumoniea if you stay out here! Where's your house." The female put her umbrealla over the both of us. "I cant go back to it, I had a fight." I didnt want to cry and I didnt want to let my feelings out to a randoms stranger, but someone opened the flood gates and the tears started pouring. "There, there its going to be alright, you can come with me for a bit, I was just on me way to the market. I could take you by me house before I go." I gave a faint smile to the older woman as she lead me back to her house.

As we walked she started asking loads of questions, mainly about my school life, but then she started getting into my life with Jayy. "So, mind telling me why you and ya' lover had a fight?" I looked down at the ground and kept silent for a few minutes. "Ya' dont have to tell me if you'd rather keep it to ye' self...This house here is mine." She said pointing to a nice small cottage looking house. It was very neat looking, but then again I have yet to see the inside.

"Make ye' self at home, what is it the spanish say? Me casa You casa, that it is. Do you take honey with ye tea?" I nodded and looked around. "Were's your bathroom?" I said trying to break the awkwards silence. "Third door on the right." She said smiling at me. I nodded and made my way there. I looked around at the tiny bathroom, How does this woman live? I wondered taking out my phone and looking down. 

5 missed calls, 4 new voicemails, 20+ new messages from Jayy Bear<3

I furrowed my brows at what my phone was telling me, then clicked the voicemails tab. 

" Dahvie do you have your phone? Call me please." 

"Dahvie I dont know what time it is, but I we need to talk."

I could hear a whimper, "Davhie, Im sorry I didnt do anything with Andy, I swear."

"Dahvie, I love you so fucking much, and the thought of you standing in the rain hurt because of me just pains me, come home please."

His voice sounded so hurt and so...Lost? I gotta go back to him, atleast to tell him were done.

Meehehe Cliff hanger >:3 

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I lush you!

//Sorry about errors. I was in a rush!//


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