Yandere! Captain Allen

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(Bitch he lookin' fineee-)

(Y'all also didn't see this coming too, didn't ya?)

- He's that type of Yandere who will kill you to keep you to himself

- He'll cut your fingers (hell even your hands) if you piss him off so goddamn bad

- He'll always make an excuse so he could spend his times with you

- He's usually tired from work and just sleep while holding you tightly (and with you ending up falling asleep in his arms)

- This man probably will get an Android that looks just like him because... He's just hella extra (and to make sure you won't be able to leave his house)

- He wouldn't hesitate to hurt you. Hell, even killing you would be a piece of cake to him

- He lets you roam around his house but you're not allowed to get out of his house

- Cameras everywhere (yes even the fucking bathroom because he's paranoid as hell)

- He sees through your lies fam so don't even bother trying to lie to him because he's gonna do some shit to you

- He's veri, veri aggressive ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

- Dirty talk? Fuck yes.

- Bite marks? Everywhere.

- Hickeys? All over your body.

- Your loved ones? Dead.

(Hotel? Trivago)

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