Special Chapter (2)

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(You know what fuck that 'A couple days' bullshit, I'll post it rn)

(CaiWasHere aRe YoU hApPy NoW tHaT yOu'Ll GeT yOuR rEvEnGe¿)

I unlocked the door to my house and take a deep breath "I'm hoome~!" I say as I take off my coat, my lover walks towards me and hug me "Welcome back my love, how was your day?" they asked me, I melt into their arms and pout "It was boring and exhausting... But at least my boss let me go home earlier" I mumbled.

They chuckled "Oh well, I've made your (Fav. food) just a while ago. Do you want to eat it now?" they asked me as they rub my back, I nod tiredly before pulling away and lead me to the kitchen.

They served me my (fav. food) and I eat it before giving them the plate "Go to our room and change into something more comfortable" they said and I nod before kissing their cheek and go to our room to change my clothes, once I'm done changing my clothes I lay down on the bed while waiting for them.

They walk into the room and sit next to me, they look into my eyes before closing their eyes and kiss me gently. I kiss back slowly and tears of happiness starts to fall from my eyes, they opened their eyes and look at me with a worried look before wiping away my tears.

I hugged them tightly "I love you so much.." I mumble and they hug me back "I love you too (Name), now go to sleep. I'll be next to you when you wake up" they said to me before I fall asleep.

Author's Note:

It could be any Androids you want. Hell, even your Original Character if you want.

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