Yandere! Connor

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(H A W T-)

(You know what fuck it I'll just post this shit)

-You're the reason he becomes a Deviant (Detroit: Become Yandere-//smacked) 

-He'll literally follows you everywhere you go

-He'll do anything, ANYTHING to make you satisfied

-He'll tilt his head a little and raise his voice a little when you refuses things from him

-If you pisses him off, he'll just give you the silent treatment at work. When the two of you are home, he'll either yell at you or lock you in your room until he thinks you've got enough

-He won't stop staring at you 24/7

-When he's pretty happy, he usually gives you small present (Such as Candies, chocolates, Etc)

-Hickeys everywhere ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

-Expect a lot of heated up makeouts in public

-Beats up people when they stares at the both of you with disgusted face

-You have to say 'I love you' every 5 seconds so he won't beat up anybody (Or you)

-(Just pretend that you have an Ex) He'll kill your ex when you sleep

-He won't let you talk to anyone until he lets you (Which is very rare)

- He'll stop getting violent at you when your stress level is 75% (He's a smol bean ae boi I'm sorry for making you like this *sobs*)

(I was half-assed and tired while writing this, Sorry :v)

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