1.60 In Which They Have A Hale Of A Time

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DISCLAIMER: I Do Not Own Teen Wolf


Ellie was driving.

She had no idea where she was going, everything was blurry, but she knew she needed to get away from her Aunt Kate, and Allison. It was pouring down the rain, and the wipers were working overtime, but she barely noticed. Her eyes were wet, hair tangled from running her fingers through it continuously.

Derek Hale was a werewolf.

Like, a deformed monster werewolf. Not one like in Twilight, or Harry Potter, but he was as sureas hell definitely a freaking werewolf.

Derek Hale was a freaking werewolf.

And, more than that, her aunt had had no inhibitions about hurting him. No, torturing him.

Kate spun the dial, smirking victoriously at the flashes of electricity sparking through wires and into Derek. Ellie and Allison could do nothing more than stare, uncomprehending about what was happening. He growled, head jerking in pain, deformed face pulled into a grimace. His face changed back momentarily, the same good looking brood he's had when they first met, and he screamed.

"What are you doing to him?!" Ellie yelled, "Is that going to kill him?!"

Kate just grinned. "Come on, kiddo, don't get all ethical on me now."

"What is he?" Allison asked softly.

"Shape-shifter, lycan, werewolf," the older woman laughed, "To me he's just another dumb animal."

Kate shook her head, seeing Ellie's horrified expression, and grabbed Derek's face. She pulled his lips apart, showing elongated pearl white teeth that were slightly less than human. Or more than human. "These are canines," she told the girls as Allison came closer, "Also known as fangs, made for the tearing and rending of flesh. Not something you find on those cute little leaf-eating herbivores, is it?"

"Is this a joke to you?" Ellie demanded, "You have a person chained to a wall in the basement of a burned-out house and you're torturing him and smiling about it!"

"Sweetheart, he's a werewolf. There are werewolves running around in the world, Ellie, everything's a joke to me. How else do you think I stay sane?"

"So it was him at the high school?" Allison asked, "And all the other animal attacks?"

"There's actually three of them." Kate took their arms, directing them back to the doorway, "Another younger one, like him, called a beta, and then there's the alpha. The alpha's the pack leader; bigger, stronger, nastier. Those are the real ugly ones."

She tore herself out of the memory, throat closing at the sound of sirens behind her. "Not now," she whimpered, "God, not now, any time but right now."

Kate closed the big metal door, separating the three of them with from the werewolf inside.

"When were they going to tell us?" Allison asked darkly, seemingly undeterred by the vulgarity her aunt's actions showed. Ellie stared at her in disbelief. How could she act so casual about all of this? All Ellie wanted to do was run back in there and free the man.

"They still haven't decided if they're going to tell you."


"Let's just say," Kate paused, looking at the two teenagers meaningfully, "If you react badly when you find out... not good."

Broken But Mending; Scott McCall [1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now