1.50 In Which Things Are Getting Suspicious

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DISCLAIMER: I Do Not Own Teen Wolf


Lacrosse games always made Scott feel better. Or, at least, they used to. After running about, scoring goals and looking frantically around for his best friend, the team one. They were going to state (yay), but the werewolf had much more pressing matters to attend to.


Stiles wasn't at the game yet. His dad had asked about him, and Scott had had to lie and make up an excuse, but he thought the boy would be there by now. Coach may not have put him in the game, but he should at least be sat waiting for him on the bench.

Where the hell was he?!

"Stiles! Stiles!"

He could barely hear himself over the noise of his teammates chanting around him. They were all rushing to the locker rooms (which was good; Scott's werewolf sense of smell made them all stink a hundred times worse), but he couldn't see the familiar buzz cut anywhere.

"Has anyone seen Stiles?"

He shoved his way through the crowd, but was pushed roughly into another person. His arms went out immediately to steady them, and he came face to face with Ellie, who gave him a shy (slightly awkward) smile. Aaron Thompson barrelled in between them, shouting 'state, state, state' over and over again, but Scott was too preoccupied staring at his ex-girlfriend to notice.

"You were..." Ellie trailed off, biting her lower lip, "You were pretty good out there. You know, compared to everyone else on the field. You were awesome."

"Thanks," he grinned down at her, "You, too." You, too? You freaking too? He always embarrassed himself around her. I should just go live under someone's stairs. She gave him an odd look, and he tried to amend, "I mean, uh, that's-that's not what I meant."

"No!" Ellie's hand reached out, like she was about to touch him, but it stopped and was left to dangle at her side. "No, I did some pretty impressive cheering. You can thank me. In fact, I'd be offended if you didn't."

"You did?"

"Totally," she gave an obnoxious scoff, "I went from 'go team, go' to 'defence, defence' without a breath." He laughed as she giggled quietly and bragged, "I brought my A game."

Then freaking Aaron Thompson again (that dude was seriously going to punched) waltzed between them, still chanting 'state, state, state', and blocked his view of the girl he was in love with. Scott narrowed his eyes in a dangerous glare, and Aaron moved along (he looked scared). By the time his eyes found Ellie again, the was being taken out of the school by her uncle, who looked less than pleased she'd gone in after him.

"Oh, isn't that just heart breaking," Jackson said, pouting mockingly, "Gosh, I bet it causes a lot of sleepless nights. You know what, though, McCall? I actually sympathise, which is why I'm going to make this mutually beneficial. You get me what I want, and I'll help you get her back."

"What?" Was he being serious?

"Well," the other boy amended, "Three days makes it just in time for the winter formal. Uh, think about you taking her instead of me. And also think about all of the things you'll be able to do to get her out of some tight, little dress by the end of the night." Scott scowled. How dare he think about Ellie in such a sexualised way?! "You see how this can work out for everybody? Three days, McCall." He slapped him on the cheek lightly before walking away, throwing a, "Have fun," over his shoulder.

After a long and, admittedly, cold shower (all the talk about Ellie in a tight dress messed with his rampaging hormones), Scott walked to his things in the locker room with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

Broken But Mending; Scott McCall [1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now