1.30 In Which He Knows Too Much

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DISCLAIMER: I Do Not Own Teen Wolf

Wolf's Bane

Scott walked into school with Stiles, mind reeling still after the exhilarating car chase of the night before. And the reveal of the fact that Harris had something to do with the Hale house fire, as did Ellie's necklace.

The thought of his girlfriend made his chest hurt, especially after everything he'd done on the day of the full moon. He'd made out with her cousin, Stiles' current crush, and her best friend, the girl Stiles had been in love with since they were kids.

"This is going to be impossible, you know?" he grumbled, barely looking at his friend. He didn't doubt that Ellie wanted nothing to do with him. He deserved that. He didn't want it, but he deserved it. He just wished he could erase the sight of her making out with Jackson from his mind.

"Why don't you just ask her if you can borrow it?" Stiles suggested simply, and he gave him a very dirty look – and not the fun kind of dirty look he wished Ellie was still throwing in his direction. "Just say: 'hey, Ellie, can I borrow your necklace to see if there's anything on it... or in it... that could lead me to an alpha werewolf who I need to kill in order to get back together with you?'"

Scott shoved him. "Enough! You're not helping!"

 "Why don't you just talk to her?"

"She won't talk to me," he admitted miserably. That was true. Any text he'd sent to her had been left without a reply, and phone call unanswered. "What if she only takes it off in the shower, or something?"

Okay, bad choice of words. Very bad, very, very bad. He tried to fight off the sordid images in his mind, he did, he really did, but it was impossible. His teenage hormones won, leaving him upset and aroused and replaying every feeling he'd ever had whilst kissing her.

"That's why you ease- ease back into it, okay?" Stiles said, but he could barely hear him. "Get back on her good side, remind her of the good times, and then you ask for the necklace." The paler boy must have noticed the dazed look on Scott's face, for he slapped him roughly and hissed, "You're thinking about her in the shower, aren't you?"

Scott looked down ashamedly, "Yeah."

"Okay, that's okay." Stiles placed a hand on the werewolf's shoulder, "Stay focussed. Okay, get the necklace, get the alpha, get cured, and get Ellie back. In that order, got it?"

He started to speed walk away, leaving Scott to nod to himself, repeating, "Get the necklace."

Ellie wasn't feeling too great. She'd already spoken to Jackson about the Unspeakable Event that happened in his car, and told him how she wasn't proud of it. How it was a total mistake and that she was really sorry. He'd been completely understanding, nodding and saying that he knew it was because of Scott, and that he felt bad as well. She had left that conversation with a slight smile, but it disappeared when she caught sight of Lydia and Allison.

She'd barely spoken to them lately, going instead for nodding along politely and then excusing herself with the pretence of homework. Of course, Ellie knew that she would have to tell Lydia about Jackson, and then, if she still stayed quiet about what happened with her and Scott, be sure to carry out her plan anyway.

And, boy, was it a freaking killer plan.

With bile in her throat, she asked Lydia if she could speak to her, leaving Allison staring questioningly after them. "Lydia, I have to tell you something."

The strawberry blonde pursed her lips, "What?"

"I may have accidently, kind of, maybe... kissed Jackson."

Broken But Mending; Scott McCall [1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now