The Potions Masters Daughter

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Hello this is peacelovepotter28. This is the potions masters daughter. I had to get a new account because I got hacked and they shut it down. I will fix things for the chapters I already had up and then begin to write new things as well. I will also try to make it longer then last time because someone told me it was to short so thank you.



As my mother kicked me out of the house, my small gray duffle bag in hand she yelled, "Get the hell out of here! You're a monster just like your father was." I left the driveway of the house I had hated for the past eleven years of my life. I had grown up in this house since I was a baby and everything in it brings back a bad memeory for me.

I was surprised that my mother had said anything concerning my father. This was the very first time I had head anything about my father besdies my "Mother" yelling about how much she hated him fro leaving her with me while she was bathing me. As I ran away from the old, overgrown gray-blue house that held all my bad childhood memories in I was constantly wondering why she had said that about my father.

I ran full speed into the forest the small, light duffel bag thumping again my back as it slowly fell off my shoulder. I had ran for almost 10 minutes at my full speed until I finally slowed down hoping no one could see me here. As I took a quick peek at the sky I realised it was about to rain. I groaned inwardly as I looked around fro a spot that would be sufficent for a shelter tonight. I didn't see anything so I did what all the explorers on the T.V. did, I climbed a tree to get a better look at my surroundings.

About two minutes walking distance away was a small cave that had a spot right outside of it for a fire and enough room for my to sleep tonight. It would sheild me from the rain, and even though it was small I was used to sleeping in small confined spaces at home even though we had a quite big house for just the two of us.

I felt a small raindrop on my head and I decided to climb back down and settle down for the night. When I reached the ground right below the mighty big maple tree I felt more cold raindrops on my head. I ran to the shelter quickly as it began to rain harder. I quickly got to the cave just as it started to pour.

As I looked around at my surroundings I couldn't help but be amazed by how beautiful it was. We had a cool summer this year and winter was coming fast. I was only August 7th and the trees were alrady beginning to turn their leaves into the crisp and crunchy, multi-colored leaved of Autumn.

As soon as I took my gaze off the wonderful landscape I turned to the only thing my "Mother" had given my to survive, the small duffle bag. It was light which ment she hadnt packed much. But it was also bulky so there might be light but big objects in it.

I quickly opened it and rumagged through the iteams she had given me. There was my favorite stuffed animal, Benny the elephant.  I was surprised she packed me this because I didn't even know she knew about him or cared. I know that it's babyish to have a stuffed animal but it had always been my safehaven. Whenever I was getting beat for the latest strange event that happened I would clutch him close to me and cry into my stomach. I couldn't ever let my "Mother" see me cry becasue that showed weakness, somehting she didn;t want me to possess.

There was also a small portion of food in the bag. When I said small I ment really small. It was a pack of crackers and a half finshed jar of peanut butter. I quickly tore open the plastic around the crackers and took one out. Then I opened the jar of peanut butter and used my finger to spread it around the cracker. Then I gobbled it down quickly becasue I was so famished from running so hard. Then the final thing in there was a  small piece of paper that was folded two times into forths'.

I put everything back into the bag and stuffed it into the furthest part of the cave so it wouldn't get wet. Then I saw that the rain had slowed down to just a light drizzle(?). I set out to find pieces of wood that would work to build a fire once it stopped raining competely.


How do you guys like it so far? Since all I have to do is copy it down from the ipod I'm using to read it I should be able to upload often. Give me feedback on whether or not I should even bother putting more of it up.




Until next time


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