Chapter 11

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Merry Christmas everyone! I am sorry this is so late but I wanted to realize this on Christmas! Thank you so much!! I made that edit up there!! And hopefully I will have more stuff to share with all of you in the coming days! Here is Chapter 11 and an extra Christmas special. 

Chapter 11

Sophie looked at Fitz and then at Keefe. Fitz's eyes were full of love and content. Keefe's eyes were more filled with sadness and pleading. What would she do? She blanched and backed away a little. Sophie thought about it a little and made up her mind. She would do it.

Sophie looked between the two. She took a deep breath and moved closer to one of them and kissed him gently on the cheek. Fitz's eyes widened as she moved away. Sophie smiled at him weakly and then turned to Keefe. He seemed sad but content with what had happened. Sophie leaked in quickly and kissed Keefe on the cheek too. Keefe and Fitz glanced at each other and then back at Sophie... and then back at each other. Sophie looked down at her hands as she realized how puzzled they both must be. When she looked up, Biana was staring at her wide-eyed. "Sophie... the dare was to kiss one boy..." Biana said quickly. Sophie's gaze met Biana's, and Sophie knew that she had to explain. Biana wouldn't let her get away with this.

"You said kiss a boy that you like... you never specified how many," Sophie said with a shrug.

Keefe laughed. "You just got wrecked, Biana," he said with a large grin. "And I got another kiss from Sophie! Best day ever!"

Sophie stared at Keefe, extremely confused. He sure was playing off the situation earlier and before they came to the sleepover well. She sighed and looked back at everyone. Fitz met her gaze and smiled gently.

I know you kissed me first, Soph... Fitz transmitted, but I think Keefe needs you at the moment.

Sophie didn't know what to say. Fitz's kindness melted her heart. Warmth spread through her, and she wrapped her arms around Fitz quickly. Fitz seemed a little surprised but settled into the hug quickly.

Thank you, Sophie transmitted as she gave him a gentle squeeze and pulled out of the hug.

Fitz nodded and his eyes looked toward Keefe. Sophie knew that Fitz understood. Fitz and Sophie's gazes met in a painstakingly long moment. Sophie let out a shaky breath. She turned to Keefe, who had been watching them. He looked stoic at a glance, but then Sophie saw his emotions change and a flicker of sadness washed over him. "Keefe?" Sophie said quietly resting a hand on his shoulder. "Come with me."

Keefe met Sophie's gaze and nodded as he followed Sophie out of the room and to the front door. Sophie opened the door and looked back at Keefe. He smiled at her and closed the door behind them. "Soph, I don't... know what to feel... anymore..." he whispered as he slid his hands into his pockets.

Sophie looked at him. Her emotions were filled almost to the brim right now. So much was happening. So much had happened. So much was going to happen. So much that she might never know. A rebellious tear slipped out the corner of her eye. Sophie hurriedly turned away from Keefe, trying to hide the tears.

Keefe turned her back to him and wiped away the tear. "Soph..." he whispered once again. "What's wrong?"

Sophie shook her head. "No, nothing's wrong with me! I want to know why you're sad. You seem a lot quieter recently... you're not as happy as you used to be... or at least I thought you were... maybe I was wrong," Sophie told him trailing off. A couple more tears slipped down her face. "I'm not the one that supposed to be crying right now..." she whispered.

Keefe stifled a laugh. "I think you might need the talk more than I do," he whispered with a sad laugh.

"I disagree," Sophie said sternly, taking his hand in hers. "You need it. I can tell you are sad with one glance, but you won't tell me why." Sophie stepped a little closer to him to feel his warmth. It was getting a little chilly.

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