Chapter 2

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Author's Note:

Hey!!! Today is Percy Jackson's birthday!!!!! I am so excited for this story!!!!!!! And thank you to everyone who has read, commented, voted, etc.!! I think you will really like this chapter!!! I worked hard on it!!!! And there may be some references in here!!!! So look for them! And don't forget to vote for any ships you want to see happen!!! Enjoy the new chapter!!!!

Gasps were heard all around the hall. Sophie sat there stunned. She had a soulmate! Sophie could not wait to figure who hers was. She smiled and looked back at Keefe, who was staring at Sophie with a strange expression that Sophie couldn't place. She blushed and looked in the other direction. Sophie looked over at Biana, remembering that Fitz had said that Biana had seemed to know something. What was it that Biana knew? Sophie was extremely puzzled but she couldn't wait to bug Biana about it. She grinned and rubbed her hands together. She was going to get Biana.

Councillor Emery walked up to Councillor Bronte right then. He seemed to have transmitted something to Bronte. Bronte looked a little surprised but nodded to Emery and looked back at the crowd of young elves. Bronte sighed and said, "Apparently that is not quite going to happen... it would be too easy for some of you! And the Old Magic has decide to make it harder for you... and that means that you are the only one that will know what your soulmate tattoo is. The Old Magic will keep you from saying it. The rest you will find out in a letter that will be sent to your houses at noon tomorrow."

Sophie gasped. She wouldn't be able to talk about it? Well... that certainly would make things harder. She would have to read that letter tomorrow. Councillor Bronte stepped back from the front of the stage and Councillor Emery walked up. "We want you to know thatcher!!! we are interested and eager to see how this turns out. It may not be convenient for some of you. And you may not be eager for this. But your time will come and you will find your soulmate. Everything is happening for a reason. And realize that though you may not be able to talk about it... the Old magic has its ways... it will work out. We understand that we are putting a lot in your hands. Be prepared for your life to change!"

Councillor Emery walked back to the Councillors and stepped into his place. Councillor Oralie came forward. "Have fun though... and be careful. The Old Magic is also known for tricks and trickiness."

Sophie wondered what that meant. Tricks and trickiness? What types of tricks? Trickiness? What would be tricky? Well... the process was already tricky... Sophie couldn't even talk about it! She didn't know what else though. Her mind wandered as they were dismisse to go home. She stood up and walked to the aisle that headed to the exit. Her thoughts raced as the others surrounded her. But no one could get her to snap out of it.

When Sophie had reached the front doors of the Tribunal Hall, she stared at it blankly. Keefe put a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Sophie shook her head to shake herself out of it. "Yeah, I'm fine..." she mumbled.

Keefe sighed. "Sophie..."

Sophie glared at him. "What?"

"Nothing! I just wanted to say everything will work out! Plus I am totally looking forward to this!" Keefe said quickly. "The Old Magic better eat the more Mallowmelt than me if they think they can trick me. They can't trick me! I am the Master of Pranks and Tricks and Trickiness. And no one but me can have that title." He folded his arms across his chest and looked at Sophie intensely. "No one, and I mean, no ONE, will trick me..."

Sophie laughed and reached up to touch Keefe's hair. Keefe froze as she messed it up. He stared into Sophie's eyes. "What are you doing?" he whispered.

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