Chapter 5

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Author's Note: I made that up there with some editing magic!!! It is currently my wallpaper! I am so excited to share with you the next chapter of Soulmates! I am sorry that it has taken long! I was really busy and had a little bit of writer's block! But... I am making up for it and you will see how in a little bit! Thank you to everyone for reading, voting, and commenting! It means so much! And I can't believe how many reads this has! Especially for the amount of Chapters as well! Thank you so much!!  Also I wanted to say one thing: ships are NOT final and will NOT be until the end of this! 😂 just know the other ships are coming! I am not just doing Sophitz or Sokeefe. The ones all of you suggested and the ones I want to write will come in due time! I am also so excited for Shannon's tour! I have the chance to go to one of her signings again and I am so happy! Ok... so for that long author's note here is Chapter 5 of Soulmates of the Lost Cities! 

Chapter 5

Sophie felt Fitz tense up at the sight of Biana hugging Tam and she gently slid her hand into his. He relaxed at her touch and smiled at her. Linh got up and hugged her brother. Sophie saw Dex look angry but the look flitted off his face as fast as it had come. Sophie knew that face. It was jealousy. She turned back towards Fitz and jumped when his transmission entered her mind.

So, you ready for our date? Now that we've cleared this up?

Ha! I might change really quick if you don't mind..

Oh no, of course not! In fact I might change too. Where should we meet?

Um.. I don't know..

I'll just come back to Havenfield. It'll be fine. I'm excited. What about you?

Me too. I've never been on a date before. With you, it should be fun.

They stood up, smiling at each other.

"Um hey guys, I'm gonna go change really quick.. Fitz and I are... uh... going somewhere..." Sophie said awkwardly.

Immediately, Biana gasped. "Like, a DATE?!"

Sophie and Fitz turned bright red.

"No..." Sophie said.

"No, it's just Cognate Training stuff..." Fitz said. Biana wiped the grin off her face.

"Oh. Ok..."

Fitz gave Sophie a small smile as he leaped away. She went up the stairs and got ready, her stomach fluttering. She had just realized how much it had sounded like a date. There was a knock on her door.

"Sophie? Are you dressed? I was wondering if I could do your hair!" Biana called. Sophie sighed, opening the door.

"Sure why-"

"WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!" Biana gasped. She shoved Sophie back into her room and made her put on a ruffled, yet comfy, teal tunic and black leggings. She put white leg warmers on and black boots with little sparkled jewels all over them. They were soft, and kept Sophie's feet warm. Lastly she put on a white cloak. She came out of the bathroom and showed Biana.

"Done..." Biana breathed.

Sophie smiled. "Good. I can go now!" she said, and walked towards the door.

"Oh no you don't. We still have to do you makeup and hair," Biana grinned. Sophie rolled her eyes, sighing. She walked over to her mirror and sat down on the chair. Vertina decided to show her annoying face.

"Ugh how come you don't do you your hair, Creepy Eyes? Good thing you found someone to do it for you. Though you still... STILL have more eyelashes on your right eyes than your left. You need to stop-"

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