Doomsday (part II)

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Daemon saw her at the exact place he predicted she'd be. Right in front of 'HopeMed', a factory for any and every kind of medicine which means it's filled with different chemicals that were left over after it was abandoned.
She looked big, bigger than he expected, but he just hoped that she wasn't as strong as she looked.

He pulled the little gun and precisely shot her right in her back. It had the least affective sedative in it so she didn't even notice when she was shot. He didn't want to waste time in pointless shooting so he picked up the gun with the strongest clear liquid in it. Again he was successful in his shot but this time she felt it. She growled and turned around, immediately spotting him. He came out of his not so good hiding spot and threw down the gun he just used. She looked like she was flaring with anger and with a growl she ran towards him. He prepared himself and as soon as she threw the punch he ducked down and she went flying into the tree behind him. After that Daemon thought that she was strong but didn't think rationally, so maybe the fight won't be that hard. With an equally good comeback Daemon jumped on top of her bulky form and punched her straight in her chest. She let out a monstrous groan but grabbed his arms and threw his body on the side. Daemon felt no pain and stood up immediately, but not before she threw a punch at his face while at the same time kicked his side. A crack of ribs was heard and Daemon groaned in pain but he didn't let it stop him. He only got more furious and his eyes glowed brighter almost blinding Angel. He was mad now. He jumped her and threw punch after punch, he grabbed her hands and squeezed them tight, her bones cracking and her hands falling limp by her sides. He used his fist like a hammer and from top down he smacked her right in the nose. She screamed as blood oozed out her nose but he wasn't finished. He hit her once more, now in the throat causing her to lose breath and gasp repeatedly while throwing her limp arms to hold her throat. She was nowhere near dead yet so Daemon had his fun. He stood up and stomped one foot down on her shoulder followed by the other side as well. She screamed continuously and that made Daemon smile in victory.
"This is for trying to kill the people I love and for endlessly killing innocent people." With one last punch across the face he was done. She was finished and he was satisfied with his doings. With a deep exhale he picked up the walkie-talkie attached on his belt.
"Calling Froid, doomsday is victorious."

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