Growing Feelings

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It's been a week and 2 days since Selene has seen Daemon or any sign of him.

A lot of the time, without any reason he would just pop inside her head.
And because she spent the whole week decorating her gallery she didn't have much else to think about so he was present in her thoughts a lot of the time.

Selene didn't deny the physical attraction to him, but now she was starting to feel like she liked more than just his appearance. She liked his courage, his mysterious aura, he was also humble and from what she gathered when he was at Miss Geraldine's he was also polite and nice. And he occupied the biggest part of the thoughts so she concluded that she liked him.
She had learned from past experiences that if you like someone you should tell them or at least lead them to know that you like them. So, after she'd finish the final touches to her gallery she'd stop by Geraldine's.

Selene planned to have an opening to her gallery so she also wanted to invite Geraldine and Daemon. It was the perfect excuse to go visit Geraldine.

When she arrived there she was surprised she didn't find Geraldine sitting in her usual place. Selene knocked on the door once...twice...three times, but no one answered. She contemplated whether to just open up or not and decided to go inside. The door was unlocked and Selene called out after Geraldine and heard a faint "I'm here." coming from one of the rooms. She followed the sound and entered what seemed to be a bedroom with Geraldine laying on the bed.
"Oh, Miss Geraldine, what happened? Are you okay?" Selene rushed next to Geraldine's side.
"It's nothing bad. I just have a cold is all." Geraldine croaked out through her raspy voice.
'Her throat must hurt. And she looks pale.' Thought Selene.
"Wait here. I'll go buy some things for you. You'll get better in no time." She said.
"No need dear," Geraldine coughed, "It'll pass by itself." She barely finished. Selene didn't listen and just reassuringly squeezed her hand. Then she ran out to the store and pharmacy.

In no time she was back and making some fresh squeezed lemon juice. She placed it on a tray together with a glass of water and a few types of medications to help her get better.
"Can you sit up? You have to drink this and take these pills." Selene put down the tray and helped Miss Geraldine sit upright. The lady took the pills first then slowly sipped on the sour juice.

"Miss Potters? Are you home?" Called out a very familiar voice.
"I'll go talk with him. You rest." Selene walked out of the bedroom and saw a lost looking Daemon standing in the middle of the living room. Their eyes met and Selene smiled at him.
"Geraldine's a little sick and resting in her bedroom...did you need her for something?" This was the longest sentence Selene had spoke to him.
"Can I see her?" He asked.
"Of course. She's in her bedroom over there." Selene pointed to the room. Without another word he passed by her and into the room. Selene decided not to follow him in to give him some privacy so she instead went in the kitchen to make dinner.

After making some chicken soup she heard Daemon's loud steps. Thinking he'd leave she called after him.
"Daemon!" She peaked from the kitchen and saw him heading her way.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" She felt like she was asking him out on a date and that thought made her blush.
"Yes." He surprised her by saying. She expected him to deny her and just leave. But this was better.
"You sit down, I just need to go and give a bowl of this to Geraldine." She said and saw him sit at the table before leaving.
"Geraldine, here's your food." She placed the tray in Geraldine's lap. She could already see the old lady was feeling better since she could move more easily.
"You go eat too dear. I'll be fine by myself." Geraldine said and picked up her spoon to taste the soup.
"I should teach you how to make some good dishes. This isn't bad but it needs improvement." Geraldine told Selene to which she giggled.
"Okay. That's the first thing we'll do after you feel better." Selene stood up to leave but remembered what she actually came here for.
"Oh, I almost forgot. I'll be opening my gallery this Friday at 7 pm. I wanted to invite you."
"I'll come dear. What's it called?" Geraldine asked.
"It's called The Dark Crystal." Geraldine smiled and nodded then continued to eat.

When Selene was back in the kitchen she saw Daemon looking at the food she had made and sniffing it. He looked ridiculous to Selene, like a little child.
"It's chicken soup." He turned to her not startled by her sudden appearance. He didn't say anything, just sat back down on his chair.
Selene put some in bowls for both of them and placed one in front of him. She dug in immediately but saw that Daemon wasn't eating but looking at her.
"What? Do I have some on my face?" She wiped around her mouth with her hand but felt like a fool when she saw she had nothing.
"Eat. It'll get cold." Daemon finally started eating. In seconds he was done but still hungry.
"Can I have more?" He asked.
Selene was continuously surprised by his words.
"Sure." She gave him more.
"I like it." He commented and proceeded to eat.
"Thank you." Selene looked down with a silly smile on her face.
'He complemented me for something. I think I'll start screaming'

After finishing his 5th bowl Daemon was still hungry but there wasn't any soup left. He helped Selene by washing the dishes while she was with Geraldine. He couldn't believe what he was doing but that didn't stop him. He cleaned up and since it was dark already he opened up the door to the house so all the cats could come inside. As they entered he counted them until the full number of 24 cats were there. He locked the door and went to sit in the living room.

Selene waited until Geraldine was asleep to go back to Daemon. She was yet again surprised when she opened the bedroom door to be met with a view of cats walking around the house. She left the bowl in the kitchen, seeing the other dishes were washed. She went in the living room and found Daemon petting her favourite black cat in his lap.
"Thanks for helping me." She took a seat on the armchair next to the sofa Daemon sat on.
He looked at her and nodded before turning his attention to the cat again.
"He's a very pretty one. Isn't he?" Selene tried starting a conversation.
"Yes. His name is Coal." When Daemon said that the cat jumped from his lap and into Selene's.
She laughed loudly but immediately stopped when her eyes met his. He was looking at her very intensely, mouth slightly agape.
"You're very pretty too." Daemon told her. He wasn't the type to compliment obviously, but when he saw her beautiful smile he felt he needed to tell her that.

Selene though, forgot how to breathe at that moment. Her cheeks were flaming red and hot and the surprise on her face was evident. Her eyes were wide open and so was her mouth. Upon realising this she quickly pulled herself together.
"T-thank you." She thanked him a lot tonight.

Silence filled the air, occasional meows and purrs being heard. Selene turned her attention to Coal in her lap but she thought of something to break the silence.
"I-I'm opening my gallery soon. Would you like to c-come?"
"I can't." Daemon really wanted to, but it was a public event meaning people were going to see him. The last time he appeared at a public event he was stared at and talked about all night. He didn't want that to repeat itself.
"Oh. It's okay." The disappointment could be heard in Selene's voice and her expression told that too. Seeing and hearing her made an unsettling feeling rise in Daemon's chest.
"I'll leave now." Selene announced.
"I'll stay here tonight." Daemon told her.
Selene didn't say anything else and left. Just a second after she was outside Daemon opened the door, locked it and followed after Selene. She saw him and let him fall into step with her.
"I'll accompany you until you get home. It's late to be alone." Selene's heart fluttered.

They walked in silence the whole way.
"This is my house." Selene said when they arrived at her home.
"Thank you...again." She looked up at him to find him staring at her yet again. It was the perfect moment and Selene didn't waste it. Without thinking much about it she wrapped her hands around him in a quick hug and seconds after she ran into her house embarrassed.

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