Broken Trust

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"What are you?"
"I don't know."
"If you don't say now we'll have to take other measures. Do you want that?"
"I said I. Don't. Know."
Daemon didn't even know how much time he was asked endless of questions in the gray concrete room at the police station. He was truthful though. He told them that he killed, he stole, he took illegal drugs, but he also saved, he didn't hurt anyone innocent, he took the drugs from illegal drug dealers, he told them all he knew about Lyle Lions and his 'company', how he tortured, he killed innocent people, he stole money from people... The police wouldn't have believed him if it wasn't from the lie detector placed in front of him. It was a little machine that Daemon had never seen before, there were wires attached to his arms, needles in his veins, a red or green light that scanned across his face according to his answer and from what he saw he couldn't exactly say how the thing functioned. It looked complicated but it worked.
"You're looking at a lifetime in confinement here boy." The old cop interrogating him shook his head in disappointment.
"Shame such a strong young man wasted himself on bad."
"I didn't do bad. I saved people from getting killed, by killing the bad men and women. I did the job you were supposed to do." Daemon replied confidently.
"Yes. We didn't finish our job but that doesn't mean you should go and do it for us." Daemon didn't exactly expect the policemen to be this good to him. He expected them to torture him for his wrongs, but they surprised him by being well mannered.
"I have a proposition for you" the cop started, "I'm the chief of police in this city and I propose to you a task that might just save you from prison or death. There is a woman we've been looking for that's been causing havoc and death here and in the cities in the area. If you're able to find her and bring her to us, without killing her, I grant you your freedom and a spot in our SWAT team. Now, before you agree I need to tell you that this woman although works alone she's very dangerous." He took a file from the other cop in the room and placed it in front of Daemon.
'Her.' Daemon's eyes widened.
"I know her. She was the one that caused the fire a few nights ago. She attacked us. But she didn't seem like she was that strong."
"Well, if she looked like she does in this picture- she's in her normal form. But, if she looks like this," the cop slid another picture next to the first, "then she's almost unstoppable."
'It's a monster.'
She looked nothing like a human. Her body was a dark brown colour and her eyes a bright green shade. Her blonde hair wasn't long, it was spiked up and short. She had rippling muscles and the clothes she had on barely covered her. She really did look dangerous.
"I'll do it." Daemon didn't hesitate though. Even if she was the strongest thing on earth he was determined to fight her into glory. He wanted revenge for hurting the people closest to him.
"But I need something to beat her. I need more of the pills I had at my home. They make me stronger."
"Very well. If they guarantee you wining in the fight we'll give you some." They shook hands to seal the deal. "Now here's how the plan goes..."

Finally, at Selene's house everyone was asleep and she could sneak out. She had her trusty gun in her coat and a knife for safety and she slowly unblocked the door trying not to make any noise.
"Selene..." She turned to see her mother standing in her night gown.
"You didn't let me. I need to go somewhere."
"Daemon right? You'll see him."
"Yes. I have to."
"You can't." Her mother looked down.
"I will."
"Selene I did something. I reported him to the police." Selene closed the door and stood still. She couldn't believe it.
"You-you did what? How could you mom?" She whisper yelled.
"I had to keep you safe. I overheard you at the hospital.He's bringing you danger and I can't let that." She approached Selene.
"Don't come closer. And I thought I could trust you mom...I thought you knew he wasn't bad. You betrayed me mom."
"I'm sorry honey." She started crying.
"No. Now I'm even more determined to see him. And you have no right to stop me." With that Selene left closing the door as quietly as she could. Her mother continued sobbing and crying.

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