Ice Skating

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Dedicated to Jason878

A/N: This story takes place while they're still in high school

Come have a Christmas date at the Ice Rink!
Have a date with your other half at the city ice rink, 
December 22-24 from 6 to 8 each day!

All couples get in for free!

Christian stared at the poster hanging from the bulletin board in the gym, an idea forming in his head. A Christmas date... with Keegan... Blushing, Christian smiled. Would he say yes? Christian hoped so. This was their first Christmas together, after all. He wanted it to be special. Standing up, he looked around before taking a picture of the poster and rushing off to class, ready for the day to be over so he could see Keegan and pitch the idea to him.


"Ice skating?" Keegan looked up at Christian as they sat pressed up against each other after school.

Christian nodded. "I saw the poster, and I thought it would be a great place for a... first... Christmas date."

Blushing, Keegan looked down. "Well... Um... Okay." Keegan had been ice skating before, and wasn't bad at it, but the idea that Christian would be watching him made him worry that he might just gain two left feet. Yet, the idea of a Christmas date was much more thrilling than the idea of falling was embarrassing. 

Putting his hand in Keegan's, Christian kissed the top of Keegan's head and smiled. "When should we go?"

"Um... The 23rd?"

"Okay, I'll pick you up at your house."


The day of the ice skating date finally arrived, and Keegan and Christian stood outside the rink, their hearts racing with excitement. "Ready?" Christian looked over at Keegan, who nodded, and together they walked up to the employee who was checking customers in.

She looked at them, giving a fake smile. "Two adults? It's 40 dollars."

Christian swallowed. "Actually, we're here for the couples' event."

The woman looked around. "Oh, yeah? Where are your girlfriends?"

Keegan flushed, furrowing his brows. "We're together." He took Christian's hand in his, holding them up for the employee to see. 

Scowling, she leaned against the counter. "Yeah, no way. Sorry, we only allow real couples to get in for the free couples' event." Waving her hand, she sneered. "Now, get out of the way. You're blocking actual customers."

Keegan swallowed back tears and anger, pulling Christian out of the line and back outside. They walked over to a nearby bench where Christian sat down in front of Keegan and held out his arms, allowing Keegan to collapse in his lap and sniffle. "It's not fair!" He cried. "We're just as much of a couple as anyone else in that line. Why did she have to discriminate against us? Is it because we're both guys? There's nothing on the poster against that!"

Rubbing Keegan's back, Christian furrowed his brows. Keegan was right; it wasn't fair. They did everything any other couple did, and they loved each other. What gave her the right to decide they weren't a couple? "Excuse me?" Jumping apart, the two looked up at the person who had spoken. A girl with shockingly red hair smiled at them. Next to her, a shy, brown haired girl waited off to the side. "We saw what happened in the ice rink. That was you, yeah? The gay couple she refused to let in for free?"

After they both nodded, the red haired girl grabbed the brown haired girl's hand, pulling her into her side. "I'm Nadia. This is my girlfriend, Lydia. We were behind you in line, and when we heard what happened we figured we wouldn't get in either." Lydia nodded, burying herself farther into Nadia's side. "So, that's why we're here talking to you. I thought you could help us out, yeah? If this works, we'll all get in for free."

Christian and Keegan shared a glance and nodded. Turning back to Nadia, Christian grinned. "Okay, what's the plan?"

Nadia grinned, gesturing for the two to stand. As soon as they did, she hooked her arm around Christian's and draped herself against him. He looked shocked, pulling back before she grabbed his arm and pulled it closer. "Come on now, boyfriend, what's wrong." Immediately, both men caught onto the plan, and Keegan held out his hand for Lydia to take. 

Together, the new 'couples' walked back into the ice rink, waiting in line behind each other. When they got back up to the front of the line, the same employee greeted them with a sneer. "See? I knew you weren't a real couple. You can go in now." Both Keegan and Christian flinched, while Lydia and Nadia glared at the employee while pulling their partners into the rink.

"Just ignore people like her," Nadia said once they were inside. "They won't get too far in life with a mindset like that."

Keegan and Christian smiled, pulling away from the girls to sit next to each other and put on their skates. Once each person was ready, they all partnered up with their lover, entering the rink. Together, both couples raced each other around the ice rink for a while, laughing and occasionally falling over. Then, the individual couples paired up for the slow waltz, awkwardly trying to avoid getting stabbed by the other's shoes. 

While they were skating, the employee who was handling the door peeked in, her eyes widening when she saw what was happening. Standing, she ran off to get her boss, dragging him out and calling out to the couples. She put her hands on her hips as they shuffled off the ice, sneering. "These two couples are lying. They aren't together, the red head and the blonde one are together, and the brown haired two are a pair."

The boss blinked. "Okay?"

She scowled. "But they're dancing with the wrong person! Of the wrong gender!"

Nadia's face mottled the shame shade of red as her hair. "You only think that because we had no other choice! You wouldn't let those two in when they honestly admitted they were a couple! How was I supposed to get in with my girlfriend when you wouldn't even let those two in? We teamed up and pretended to be couples so you'd let us in for free just like every other couple!!"

The boss turned to his employee. "Is this true?"

She blinked, flustered. "Well, uh, I-"

Sighing, the boss held out his hand. "I can't keep you on if you discriminate like that."

"But, why are you okay with something like this? It's disgusting!"

He snorted. "Uh-huh. So I guess I should just disown my son then?"

The girl opened and closed her mouth several times before she finally pulled off her name tag, handing it to the boss before she stormed off. Turning to Christian, Keegan, Nadia, and Lydia, the boss bowed his head. "I'm sorry. I didn't think she'd do something like this. It shouldn't matter what type of couple you are, so long as you are happy. As an apology, I'll give you all free year-long passes. Okay?"

After the boss of the rink walked off, the two couple smiled and hugged each other happily. Then, Nadia and Christian leaned in, giving their lovers a kiss. After that, both couples raced back out onto the rink for the final couples' slow dance of the night.

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