Snowball Fight

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Lucifer paced back and forth in front of the Earth portal, frowning and scowling. "Why isn't he back yet?"

Azazel, Lucifer's trusted right hand, frowned as well. "Lucifer, he's visiting friends. You can't expect him to come back just because you're lonely."

Lucifer let out an exasperated sigh, but sank down into a nearby seat. His wife and the queen of Hell, Micah, had taken a week to go back to Earth to visit his old friends for the holidays. He'd promised to be back today, but Lucifer saw no sign of him. "I'm not lonely," Lucifer crossed his arms and put on a face that said otherwise. "I just... We can't set up for Christmas without Micah."

The year before, Micah's first Christmas in Hell, Lucifer had decided for the first time to bring something Good that God created (Besides Micah, of course) down to Hell. All of the demons loved getting each other gifts (usually prank or gag gifts, but it's the thought that counts). So, Lucifer decided to continue with the tradition. Of course, he was completely against the idea of having anything religious in his realm, so he only allowed them when Micah was present (that way he could see how happy Micah was).

After a few more minutes of waiting Lucifer looked back at the portal, groaning when he saw no one coming through. By now hundreds of demons had begun to swarm around the area, waiting for their queen to appear so that they might begin to stab each other with ornament hooks in the name of decorating. 

Finally, after what Lucifer claimed was an eternity but was actually only two minutes more, the portal began to ripple, indicating that someone was entering Hell. Soon enough, Micah was pushing his way into the room, grinning when he saw his husband and all his subjects waiting for him. "Um... Hey, guys."

Lucifer rushed forward, pulling Micah into a hug. "Micah! Welcome back- and what in my name is that white stuff?"

Lucifer looked down at this white substance covering Micah's hair and coat, reaching out to touch in as it melted. Micah blinked. "It's snow... You've never seen snow before?"

Shrugging, Lucifer tried to hide his embarrassment. "I didn't get out much before this century. I was busy throwing a mega tantrum because of my banishment."

Instead of laughing, Micah only nodded. "Yeah, it's snow. It is created when rain in the clouds becomes cold enough to crystalize before it falls to the ground. It's really cold, but melts fairly fast. Probably because each flake is super small."

"And... Humans like this substance?"

"Yep. When enough of it ends up on the ground we like to do stuff with it. We compact it and make snowmen, and even have snowball fights."

"Snowball fights?" Lucifer leaned in, intrigued by this new substance. Other demons were intrigued as well, but they were more interested in the word 'fight'.

"We crush the snow into a ball in our hands, and throw them at each other. It doesn't hurt much, and it's tons of fun." Micah smiled, getting excited. "But, your hands get super frozen, so you can't fight for long before your hands start to hurt." Leaning up to kiss Lucifer's cheek, Micah put his arms around Lucifer's neck. After a quick hug, he turned and started walking out of the portal room. "I'm gonna head to bed, okay? The trip was pretty long, so I'm tired. Have fun decorating without me, okay?"

As soon as Micah was gone, Azazel was at his master's side, sighing. "I assume I'm supposed to find a way to obtain this 'snow'?"

Lucifer smiled. "You know me well, don't you?"


When Micah woke the next morning, he felt cold. Immediately he knew something was wrong. Hell was never cold. But, here he was, shivering. Lucifer wasn't in the bed next to him, and Micah suspected it was because he had something to do with this change in the weather. So, wrapping himself in the sheets, he rushed downstairs to see what was going on. 

Micah made his way downstairs, gasping when he saw what was happening. The realm of Hell was covered in a thick layer of pure white, glistening in the red glow. "Micah!" Lucifer spotted his wife immediately and called out to him. "What do you think?"

"You... Made it snow?"

Nodding, Lucifer smiled at his work. "Yep. I've been trying all the things I saw people doing in the snow. Snow angels, snowmen... But I've been waiting for you before trying one final thing."

"And what would that be?" Micah asked curiously. He regretted asking as soon as Lucifer gather a bit of snow into a ball and chucked it right at his chest. The snowball hit him hard, soaking through the sheets he'd covered himself with and making his shirt damp and cold.

"A snowball fight!"

Micah smiled at his immature husband, but dropped the sheets and pulled up a snowball of his own, throwing it at Lucifer's leg. When it landed, Lucifer gave Micah a mischievous grin, pulling up two snowballs and tossing them so quickly Micah didn't even see them until they hit him in both his legs. "Okay... You're on." Micah and Lucifer took off, grabbing piles of snow and throwing aimlessly, hoping to hit each other. Several snowballs landed on nearby demons, who joined in on the fight as soon as they saw what was going on. Soon, snowballs were flying everywhere from every direction, and it was almost impossible to tell who threw what.

Many demons had taken to teaming up, one holding the snowballs for the other to fly around and hit unsuspecting targets. Other than those team ups, though, it was a total free for all. No one was safe as every single demon joined in with Lucifer and Micah, and everyone become covered in the freezing snow without exception. But the time the snow had finally melted, everyone was soaked and freezing. The demons quickly scattered to cause chaos elsewhere when the fun had ended, but Micah and Lucifer were together, laughing. When they'd calmed down, Micah looked down and smiled. "I have to go change now. If I stay in these cold clothes, I'll catch a cold."

Lucifer smiled and scooped up his bride. "I know what we can do that will warm you right up."

Micah blushed, but said nothing as Lucifer led him back upstairs to their room.

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