Chapter 16

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The patrol was short an uneventful, but Ravenpaw had quite enjoyed patrolling with Shadepelt again. The air was fresh and carried the scents of greenleaf forest. Ravenpaw took in a deep breath and purred, enjoying the fresh air.

The only part of the patrol she hadn't enjoyed was Thistlefang. The entire time the brown tabby had been glaring at her and treating her like a brand new apprentice.

I'm almost a warrior now! Ravenpaw thought indignantly as she followed Palefoot into the camp. As she padded into the clearing, she thought about how she had felt her father's presence at the beginning of the patrol.

Is he still with me now? Ravenpaw wondered, casting a glance over her shoulder. He wasn't. However, her eyes met Shadepelt's. Her brother was walking a few steps behind her. He tilted his head.

"What's wrong?" Shadepelt asked.

"Nothing," Ravenpaw meowed quickly. She had decided not to tell her brother about her dream with Nightshadow. It didn't seem right, although she didn't know why. She was about to ask if Shadepelt wanted to relax in the camp with her when Thornwhisker came padding over to them.

"We should practice battle moves today," Thornwhisker said to Ravenpaw, "I think it would be wise to go over a few important techniques."

"Okay," Ravenpaw agreed. She turned to ask if Shadepelt wanted to relax with her when she was done training, but he was already heading over to the warrior's den.

With a sigh, Ravenpaw turned to follow Thornwhisker, who was already heading back to the camp exit.

As they left camp, Ravenpaw thought once more about her father. Would he visit her in her dreams again? After all, he had made his presence known to her when she had been on the patrol, so perhaps it meant he was still interested in training her.

I hope so, Ravenpaw thought as she followed Thornwhisker to the training clearing. I want to be the best warrior in WoodClan!

When they reached the clearing, Ravenpaw stopped to stretch. The motion felt good on her muscles and she let out a soft little purr. Thornwhisker sat down in the center of the clearing and faced her.

"What are you going to teach me today?" Ravenpaw asked, her tail twitching energetically as she crouched in front of her mentor, waiting for a lesson.

"I don't think there's anything else I can teach you," Thornwhisker meowed warmly to Ravenpaw, his green eyes full of pride. "I've taught you everything I could possibly teach you. I think you're ready to be a warrior now."

Ravenpaw blinked and lifted her head in surprise. She felt as though her heart would burst with joy from her mentor's praise. "R-really? Thanks!"

Thornwhisker gazed down at her fondly. "You will be a warrior soon, Ravenpaw. I know it." He stood up and gave his fur a shake before glancing at his apprentice. "Now, try to pin me down."

Ravenpaw instantly leaped at her mentor from where she was sitting, carefully grasping his scruff as she tried to pull him to the ground. But Thornwhisker was much bigger than her and easily broke free of her grasp. He slammed sideways into her and sent her rolling across the grass.

Gasping, Ravenpaw struggled to her paws. But before she had a chance to even try to pin him again, Thornwhisker was already on top of her, bowling her onto the ground with his powerful front paws. He leaned heavily on her, stopping her from getting up again.

Ravenpaw suddenly remembered a trick he had taught her at the beginning of her training. She let herself lay limp under her mentor's heavy grasp. After a few moments, she let go of her and stepped back with a flick of his tail.

"I suppose you need to practice fighting larger enemies," Thornwhisker said, "I-"

Ravenpaw jumped quickly to her paws and used the move Nightshadow had taught her; wrapping a paw around Thornwhisker's foreleg and jerking her paw to unbalance him. When he stumbled, she reared onto her hindlegs and pushed him with her front paws. He landed on the ground with a grunt and she stood there, pinning him to the ground with one front paw on his flank and one on his shoulder. Her hind claws dug into the ground.

"I win!" Ravenpaw yowled, jumping back to let her mentor stand. For a moment, Thornwhisker just lay on his side and gazed at her with startled green eyes. Then he let out a purr.

"I already won when I pinned you down the first time," Thornwhisker purred, amusement in his voice. "But what you just did was impressive!" His eyes shone as he added: "I believe you truly are ready to be a warrior!"

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