Chapter 3 part 2

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*Hey again here's the next chapter hope ya'll like it


*Jayden's POV*

-RECAP- I nudged her leg to wake her up she couldn't stay out here all night she should come home with me.

She sprang to her feet, a look of pain crossed her face, but she masked it quickly. She looked around confused then her tiny shoulders relaxed and she slid down the tree until she was sitting down. She looked at me for another minute then she closed her eyes again. I wanted so badly to let her sleep but she needed to know the truth about me, I needed to give her a choice about coming and living with our pack or to go someplace else.

I nudged her again with my nose, she barely opened her eyes looking at me. I looked at her hard trying to communicate to her that she can't sleep. She just looked at me trying to figure out why I was bugging her. She let out a sigh and I looked at her trying to figure out if I should show her I'm a werewolf or to just leave her alone. She's my mate though I can't just leave her to fend for herself. What kind of mate would that make me?

Then she let out a laugh the sound made my stomach do a flip. I would do anything to hear that sound again. Then she started talking to me in that same angelic voice I would never get tired of hearing, "I'm sorry but I'm tired and I don't want Craig to find me so I better get going."

Wait! She can't leave she's mine. I didn't just think that did I? I can't leace her alone out here when that guy is after her.

I shook my head at her and she looked slightly taken aback , then frowned and raised her eyebrows, "And why not?"

She shook her head at herself she probably thought she was going crazy talking to a wolf. I wouldn't blame her for wanting to get away from all the bad memories that came from that guy I think his name was Craig.

There was a rustling in the bushes making the girl jump. I turned facing the direction the sound came from letting out a warning growl. To my surprise it was Austin who stepped out of the bushes, but I didn't come out of my defensive crouch I had to protect my mate. I could sense how afraid she was and I didn't like it.

Austin frowned looking around *What's wrong* (AN * means wolf communication)

Then he spotted the girl he smiled and turned back to me, "Don't worry Jayden I won't do anything to hurt her."

I looked over at the girl and saw confusion in her eyes but she didn't let it show on her face. I decided now was as good a time as any to show her who I really was. I really hope she doesn't reject me for what I am I wouldn't be able to live without ever hearing that angelic voice again.

I concentrated on becoming human again and soon felt myself shift, I was now crouched in front of her completely naked. Werewolves don't have a big problem with nudity if we did it would be hard to shift all the time.

She was staring at me openly she seemed to realized what she was doing and looked away quickly blushing. I could tell she was embarrassed and I decided to go get dressed. I walked over to a secret stash of cloths we had and grabbed a pair of khaki shorts pulling them on quickly. I quickly walked back to where I had left Austin and my mate. I stepped out of the thicket silently and neither Austin nor the girl noticed me, I saw Austin was kneeling right in front of her making introductions, "My names Austin what's yours?"

She looked at him for a long moment before answering in a quiet voice, "Lily."

Wow Lily is a perfect name it fits her. "Lily's a pretty name "I growled lowly just loud enough for Austin t hear. I was the only one that could say something like that she's mine. Lily rolled her eyes at him mumbling a thanks then she noticed me. I smiled as I saw her studying me. Austin didn't notice that her attention was now directed on me and not him. So when he stuck out his hand to help her she flinched, anger coursed through me I clenched my fists trying to get my anger under control. I breathed deeply I couldn't lose my temper I might hurt Lily and if I did I'd never forgive myself.

Austin again reached out to help her up but I stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder, "Austin go back home to Megan she's probably worried about you." A s soon as I said Megan's name he got this huge goofy grin on his face. Megan is Austin' mate and they are madly in love, half the time I'm around them I can't stand their constant making out and lovey dovey talking. I hope Lily and I will be that in love though to hear some of those things come off of her beautiful lip . 'Jayden focus' my wolf said.

Austin stood up, "Well I'll leave ya'll alone then since you have plenty to talk about," I watched him leave then I turned to face Lily. "Are you alright?"

As soon as I asked I regretted it because she burst into tears. She covered her face with her hands and it pained me to see her like this. I wanted so badly to put my arms around her and comfort her, but I knew that would only make it worse since she barely knew me.

I had to find out what he did to her, "Who was that guy?" She wiped away her tears with shaking hands. "That... That was my step brother." My eyes narrowed she had to live with that guy. "Was that the first time he's done that?"

She looked down not meeting my eyes I grabbed her chin and gently pulled her face up so she had no choice but to look at me. She took a deep breath wincing slightly. "That's the first time he tried to rape me." the way she said it made me think he'd done other things to her. "What did her do to you Lily?"

"He didn't do anything." I knew she was lying and I called her out on it. "Lily don't lie to me I know he did something to you." She tried to turn her head away from ,me but I didn't let her. "You don't have to be ashamed with me. Just tell me what he did."

Her tiny body began shaking uncontrollably as she started telling me the story, "He and my step dad Eric have been b... beating me since I was ten. Its been getting worse and last night was terrible. He... he was so so angry. I thought he'd kill me. I woke up about 2 hours ago and I thought they were asleep so I ran."

I was shocked how could people be so cruel to someone so beautiful. I was proud of her, proud she ran away, proud her spirit was never broken.

"Why do you care? You don't even know me." she burst out. I sighed and let go of her face. It was time to tell her I was her mate. How do you tell someone you just barely met that you were now connected and had to live together forever. I and I mean forever weres live forever and when they find their mate once they're mated they live forever as well. If you or your mate is killed the other dies as well. That's why male weres are so protective of their mates. "You were honest with me so I should show you the same courtesy. You already know I'm a werewolf and every werewolf has a mate. A person who was made for you and when we find our mates we have a very deep connection with them."

Her face scrunched together, "How does that have anything to do with me?" Did she really just ask that? "Because Lily you're my mate." Her jaw dropped as she tried to take in this new information. After a minute, "I think you have the wrong girl." I shook my head stubbornly. "Nope. When werewolves meet their mate they know it, and when you touch them a mark appears over out heart and theirs." I knew she couldn't argue this but she still tried. After a few minutes of arguing she consented, "Fine but if there isn't a mark don't be disappointed," I knew I was right even before she started unbuttoning her shirt. She looked down and gasped, "Let me see." I said without thinking. She pulled down the collar and sure enough there was my mark. I smiled triumphantly but the smile slid off my face as I saw the cuts all across her chest. Anger consumed me and my wolf howled inside me wanting to kill the men who had hurt my baby, I had to fight for control, "I aught to go back there and teach him a lesson he'll never forget." Once I was under control I looked up into her beautiful face, "I promise I will never let anyone hurt you ever again." Then she passed out.

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