Chapter nine

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I set Judith in the little box thing, we need to get a crib, maybe a play pen that way she can use it when she's a toddler. I walk over to glenn, look, I just want to know "Did daddy do that to you?" "Yeah..He did" "Look, glenn, I'm sorry, he just lost lori and a part of him left the day lori died and I'm just sorry he did well that" I said pointing to him.

He didn't say anything. I got up and walked out, everyone was doing there own thing, I decide to go outside and get some fresh air. I picked a few daisies, Sang a few songs, and I glanced up and I saw a guy looking at me.

"Come here little girl" me being the stubborn little girl I am, refused. "I'll kill you if I don't" "Ugh! Fiinnee!" "Is a rick in there?" he asked "Daddy? Yeah, Why?" "Just tell him, the govenor stopped by and would like to talk" "Um, ok."

"You're a cutie, reminds me of my little girl" " Well, I gotta go." "See ya govener dude."

I walk back inside and all eyes were on me. "Where'd you go?" Carl asked "Just outside" "Oh, some dude that calls himself the govenor came by "Don't talk to him, he's bad" "He seemed nice." "Um, yeah, key word SEEMED he's bad and doesn't like anyone" Carl said "He said I reminded him of his daughter, I'm cute."


The govenor's here (: She thinks he's good, but enjjoyy


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