Chapter 24

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Christmas Eve


Jungkooks eyes slowly opened. He jumped up when he saw all his hyungs staring "Jungkookie! Your so lazy!" Jin Yelled, soon the smells of food filled jungkooks nose. His eyes growing happy at the site of a huge breakfast "Yesh!" Jungkook Yelled sitting down and instantly stuffing his face with the red and green eggs. Soon the group coming in and eating as well. Taehyung smiled at Jungkook and kissed him "Yah! Not at the table" Jin spoke "Hey! Don't go there! I see you making out with Namjoon all the time!" Taehyung yelled and Everyone started laughing, blush on both Jin and Namjoons faces. Jungkook smiled a bit and looked at the Christmas tree "You excited babe" Taehyung asked "Yes!" Jungkook Yelled his eyes glowing with excitement "It's tomorrow!" Jungkook yelled "It's so close!" He spoke "Like if I ran and ran, and made myself tired, I'd do it so I could wake up and it be Christmas" jungkook spoke "Aish, your obsessed" Yoongi spoke "Your obsessed with Jimin" jungkook spoke and Yoongi blushed, feeling embarrassed "S-Shut up!" He spoke and everyone began to laugh again.

Everyone ate, the laughing still continuing as they playfully made fun of each other. Soon they were done, Taekook doing the dishes. YoonMin cleaning and wrapping their gifts for everyone else and Namjin baking everything for tomorrow, Christmas.

Soon Namjin toon over the gift wrapping

Then Taekook

Then Hoseok

The Christmas tree looked amazing, Gifts of all colors and sizes around it. Jungkook smiled "It's so amazing!" Jungkook spoke, Jimin and Hoseok walking in "I knooowwww~" Hoseok spoke "It gives me like a sense of hope!" He spoke "Of course it does, your j-Hope!" Jimin spoke and Jungkok and Hoseok giggled "Aish the puns" Hoseok spoke "What's your best flirt/pick up line joke" jimin asked and Hoseok smirked "I think I'm a monkey, because I'm going bananas for you" Hoseok spoke Jungkook and Jimin laughed "Are you from Korea because you could be my Seoul mate" Jimin spoke and Jungkook playfully punched him "Aish!" Jungkook spoke "Mines even worse jungkook spoke "Oh come on it can't be that bad" Jimin spoke "okay.....My love for you is like diarrhoea, I just can't hold it in" he spoke and soon everyone began to laugh loudly, everyone including jungkook were on the floor almost peeing themselves "O-Oh my god" Taehyung spoke wiping his tears "That was amazing" he spoke

Soon a best pickup line battle began

"I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together"

"If a fat man puts you in a bag at night, don't worry I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas." (😂😂😂)

"Are you a banana because I find you a peeling."

"Is your name Wi-fi? Because I'm really feeling a connection"

"If looks could kill, you'd be a weapon of mass destruction"

"If I were a cat I'd spend all 9 lives with you."

"If you were a fruit you'd be a fineapple."

Everyone kept laughing at each other's jokes, them all breathes and almost crying. Soon jimin stood up "I-I PEED!" Jimin Yelled while running away to the bathroom.

Soon everyone just couldn't stop laughing.

And before they knew it they had spent the whole day laughing at each other, one by one falling asleep.

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