Love Sickness

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{warning! out of character Gajeel :3}


"Is he still in the infirmary?"

Wendy nodded, grinning a little bit. "Yeah, but I think I know what he has. But I'm still working on helping him. He's very dense,"

I smiled, not really knowing what that last part had anything to do with him being sick. "Thanks Wendy, I'm gonna go check on him again,"

She smiled. "It's nice that you've been checking up on him since he moved in to the infirmary, that's very sweet,"

I laughed lightly, blushing a bit. "W-Well what're friends for? Right?"

She shook her head, a smile still plastered on her face. "I think you guys like each other as more then friends,"

I continued to laugh nervously, then hearing a faint but obvious voice call out from the infirmary.

"Wendy! Is Levy here yet? It's around that time!" A hoarse voiced Gajeel called out from inside a set of wooden doors.

"Oh! Well I guess I have to go now, thanks Wendy!" I happily said, skipping into the infirmary and shutting the doors behind me.

I glanced over at him lying on the bed all covered up with a couple sheets. He was a bit pale, his eyes closed, but he still seemed pretty Gajeel like.

"Levy?" he muttered.

I shook my head, walking over to a stool that was especially there for me when I visited next to his temporary bed. "Yeah, it's me."

He slowly opened his crimson eyes, adjusting to the light. "Hey," he muttered, a small smile on his face.

I smiled back. "Hey. Still feeling sick?"

His cheeks flushed a light pink, as he turned away. "Y-Yeah, thanks for visiting, every day,"

"No problem, I'm just being..." I said, thinking of the right word to use. "A helpful hand; a shoulder to lean on,"

He nodded, looking away from me. He seem to be nervous, more nervous then the other times I've come in to visit him. I saw a couple beads of sweat drip down his forehead and down the bridge of his nose along his piercings.

"Gajeel? Are you okay?" I asked, placing the back of my hand on his forehead. "You're burning up!"

He shoed my hand away and flipped over in the bed so his face was buried in his pillow.

I stood up, pushing the stool back a bit. "I'm gonna go get you a glass of cold water,"

I felt a tight grip close around my wrist, stopping me from going anywhere.

"Stay," he said softly, pulling me back closer towards him. "Don't leave,"

I felt my face turn a million shades of embarrassment, as when he pulled me closer to him, I tripped over my own two feet and fell onto the bed. More specially; onto Gajeel.

"I-I'm sorry! I seemed to have lost my balance, I didn't mean-"

"It fine, you don't have to get up either," he soothed, putting his arm lightly around my waist.

"I-I, I don't know..." I stuttered, trying to keep my focus away from his toned chest underneath me.

He frowned, turned pale again and lightly pushed me off making me stumble backwards, just catching my balance.

He pulled his blankets over his face rapidly and pulled the edge behind his head.

"Gajeel, what's up with you? You've been acting weird around me since you got sick!" I asked placing my hands on my hips.

"Go away," he mumbled from under the blankets.

"Urgh! You're so confusing!" I growled, stomping out of his room and back out to the guild hall.

"Hey Levy!" Wendy called, walking over to me. "How's he doing-"

"He's doing just peachy! Peachy!" I cried, starting to gain some attention from people nearby. I sighed, sitting down at the closer table to me.

Wendy smiled, walking over and pulling up a chair next to me. "Peachy? How so?"

I huffed, resting my elbow on the wooden table. "One minute he's all sweet and, and cute, and the next he's pushing me away and telling me to leave! What's up whither him?"

Wendy giggled. "Well, I already told you that I know what's making him sick, right?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"Well, what are some of the signs of his sickness that you've seen?"

I thought for a minute, remembering the past week. "Well, he's been very pale, sweating a lot, twitchy and almost as if he can't sit still. Also his temperature rises constantly!"

She nodded. "And what else would you relate that to being?"

"Nervousness, I guess," I said unsure about where this was going.

"And why would he be nervous?" She asked, obviously edging something on.

"Because.." I said, trailing off. "Well I don't know! Just tell me!"

Wendy laughed. "Sure. He likes you."

"Well yeah, I know that-"

"No, he like likes you," she smiled.

I felt my face burn bright red. "Y-You're just saying stupid things-"

"It's the truth," she said. "Just go back in and talk to him."

"Alright.." I said warily, standing up and walking back into the infirmary, shutting the door behind me.

Gajeel looked up to the door, smiling when he knew it was me. "Hey."

"Hey," I said slowly, taking a seat by his bed again. "So, how are you feeling?"

He frowned. "Alright I guess. Tch, it sucks being sick."

"Mhm," I murmured. "Anything you want to tell me?"

He shook his head as I walked over to the edge of the bed.

Wendy better not be lying, I thought nervously.

"Well I have something I need to tell you," I said, sitting back in the stool.

He looked over nervously. "You do?"

I nodded, leaning down to give him a small kiss on the cheek. Sitting back up straight, I couldn't help but smile at the blush rapidly spreading across his cheeks.

"I love you," I stated simply.

He stared for a minute before a grin came to on his face as he began to sit up in the bed. "Well, that just makes things easier for me I guess. Wendy told you didn't she?"

I nodded.

"Ah, I'd maybe be mad if it didn't turn out this way," he explained. "Because I love you too."

"Well I already knew that," I said with a giggle, making him blush slightly.

"Tch, well I just thought you'd want to hear it from me," he grumbled.

I smiled. "Glad you're not sick anymore. It's nice to have you back."


Next time - Two Years Later

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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