The Winds Sense of Direction

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{the setting for this will be around the 1920's decade]


I sighed happily as I walked along the cemented pathway, the little bit of heel I had on my black shoes clicking every time I took a step.

"Afternoon Miss McGarden!"

I glance over my shoulder at the man who called, seeing the owner of a small little store I usually went to for my tea. The Cordial Brew.

"Why hello there Mr. Jensen," I said, walking over to the small business and picking up a package with some bags of my favourite tea. "Can I get these? I've seem to run low,"

He gave me a questioning look. "Didn't you just buy some a few days ago?"

I giggled, handing him a few dollars. "Yes, but it's quite the drink when you're up all night reading."

He smiled and took the money happily. "Alright then Miss, you keep reading those books of yours."

"I'll tell you all about the one I'm reading now later, I should be be back here the next day or so anyway," I laughed, walking back off down the pathway.

I kept my eyes focused ahead of me, humming a tune I heard playing in the town square earlier in the day.

Even though now matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help but feel the cold, smooth metal of my newly unwanted ring on my finger. I slightly frown, trying not to show it to much. I am known to be quite cheerful throughout the small town.

I continued to walk through the town, waving at the few people that were there and talking to them, trying to lighten up their day. The foggy and depressing weather followed along by the Influenza pneumonia was killing people all around the world. People kept getting sick daily, which makes others afraid to go outside thinking they could get it.

Today, the weather was a strong wind blowing through the town, which actually is making people rial up more. Germs blowing around and what not, I guess.

I felt my black dress ripple fiercely in the wind, and my big black hat along with my wavy blue hair blowing back.

Before I felt it leave, my hat got caught in the wind and flew off my head and got carried with the wind.

I gasped in horror, running after my hat. "My hat!"

I continued running until I got to the bridge that crossed the river we had running through our town. I still had a tight grip on my tea as well, somehow I've managed not to forget about it and drop it along the way.

"Got you!" I said, happily grabbing the edge of my hat before it fell down into the water. I sighed in relief. Finally.

"Are you alright?" I heard a deep voice say behind me.

I turned around from facing the river to see a tall man standing now in front of me. I tightened my grip on my hat and tea.

He had a long black button up trench coat on, draping over his, as I said before, very tall figure. To match, he had a short brimmed black fedora covering the top of his head but not his long unruly black hair. I couldn't really see his face well except for his lips. This guys really just looked like he wanted to disappear into the shadows with the amount of black he had on.

"Quite fine, thank you." I said, placing my hat back on my head.

He nodded. "That's good. I was just checking."

"Well thank you, that's very kind of you.." I said trailing off, realizing I didn't have his name.

"Gajeel," he muttered. "If you must know, my name is Gajeel Redfox."

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