My Best Catch

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"It's a pretty nice day out today," I mumbled to myself, looking out onto the sea through the window that was in front of me. "Nice day to do some fishing,"

I gripped the steering wheel of the small boat and turn ever so slightly and stopped, letting the boat just float on top of the water.

I sighed and walked to the back corner of the boat and started to set up the big net. I couldn't help but be distracted though.

For the past few months, one of my closest friends, Juvia, has been trying to set me up with some girls. All not my type, if you're wondering, but she won't lay off the fact that I should find someone alright. Even though I'm only in my mid twenties.

I sighed, remembering what she said to me last time a date didn't go well.

She sighed, pacing on the spot. "Gajeel! What was wrong with this one? Lucy's a great girl!"

I rolled my eyes. "You just tried to set us up so she wouldn't go for your boyfriend like you alway say she does,"

She pouted. "You didn't answer my question,"

I shrugged. "Wasn't my type,"

She groaned. "You say that every time! What is your type?"

I thought for a moment. "I don't know. I'll just know when I find her,"

She shook her head. "I'll just keep trying then. You never know, one of these days you might catch a good one,"

I threw the big net into the murky blue water, watching it sink until it disappeared into the sea.

I sighed, sitting down on the deck with my back up against the little edge.

"Tch, I don't need a girl," I mumbled. "I'm fine being alone,"

Creak, creak.

I smiled, standing up and grabbing the handle for the net and starting to pull it in.

"Woah," I mused, putting more muscle into the crank. "Must be a big fish,"

After a minute of cranking up the net, the top began to show, along with a large orange tail.

"What the hell.." I muttered, trying to pull it up faster. "What is that?"

I kept pulling the net up until I saw what I caught, definitely catching me of guard.

"Hey, let me go!"

A girl. With an orange tail.

"Uh.." I uttered, staring at her for a minute, my face tinted pink.

She's kinda cute.

She pouted. "What? Never seen a mermaid before?"

I shook my head.

She rolled her eyes. "Alright, well now you have. Now let me go,"

I looked at her for a minute and tightened my grip on the handle, continuing to pull her up.

"Hey! Stop pulling me up!" She said, gripping onto the nets ropes. "I need to be in the water, idiot!"

Ignoring her, once the net was on the deck, I opened up the net and swooped the girl up and started walking her to a large, water filled container I had for when I caught fish.

"H-Hey! Put me down!" She said, hitting my chest and trying to squirm out of my grasp which was going well considering she had her wet tail.

"Jeez stop squirming," I muttered, placing her in the container.

Gajeel and Levy One-Shots [GaLe] {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now