Chapter 6

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Chapter Six


I now remembered why i fucking hated moving. All these damn boxes.

" Babe you have to much shit."I call out, as I walk into the kitchen, catching Arya lifting a box. "Put that fucking down!" I growled at her. "You aren't meant to be lifting!"

I took the box off her and walked back into the other room to grab another box.

"Daddy mummys lifting a box again!" Talen sang out. And I smirked, that was my boy. I walked back in giving Arya a pointed look. To which she rolled her eyes too.

"God I can't get away with anything." she muttered frustrated with us. Talen and I shared a look.

Talen was busy unpacking his box of toys.

Just as I put the box down, Arya fucking picked another box up, which caused Talen to point and scream.

"Yeah I'm on to it bud." I muttered, and took the box off her immediately. "Are you forgetting that you are carrying My baby?"

"Believe it or not Knox, but I do remember considering I'm huge!" She slapped her tiny hands down on the bench. "I can not believe you are being a caveman."

I smirked. "If you think this is bad, wait till Talen and I are incharge when he or she comes out."

Her face dropped. "You can't be this protective! God! They say that the mother is meant to be the hormonal one," She looked at Talen and I "Not the father and the brother. Hell I'm meant to be unreasonable!"

"You are!" Talen and I said together. "Can't even stop lifting a darn box!" I snapped at her.

"If you keep this up, you won't be coming to find out what I'm having."

"You mean what we are having."

"I'm pretty sure I'll be the one giving birth." She muttered, and then looked at Talen. "The answer is still no."

Talen grinned. "I want to see it!"

"Like hell he is getting into the birthing suite Knox. I blame you this argument." She clicked her tongue. "And may I remind every male in this room, that this could be a girl inside me."

"No it isn't." I said. "We babygirl, are having a boy."

She rolled her eyes. "Suddenly has x ray verison." She muttered, "Just don't get your hopes up Knox."

"I don't want a stinky sister." Talen poked his tongue out.

"See!" Arya stomped her foot. "This is your fault Knox for saying we were having a boy."

I was a hundred percentage confident we were having a boy. Arya was doing the same thing she was doing with Talen. I knew that we were having a baby boy, but if she needed the doc to confirm it, so be it.

"Well we will know this afternoon won't we." I grinned and went to touch her stomach when she pulled away.

"Don't you have a bike to put back together?" She was trying to get rid of me, but Talen hearing that starting jumping up and down. He wanted to go to the garage since we got back. It was his favourite place in the world.

So I nodded my head, letting Arya tidy up. "I have you know I installed cameras in here if you lift a box I'll know." I sung out, catching her in the mirror, roll her eyes and give my back the finger.

"That wasn't very nice Arya!" I said back to her. I then saw her face drop in the mirror.



"Mm Talen?" I said, as I tightened the brake pads on.

"Can you take me to daycare tomorrow." He drew the words out, but I understood what he meant.

"Why's that bud?"

"Don't like stinky doctor."

At the age of three, to Talen everyone was stinky. "What doc bud?"

"The one from mummy's work."

My eyes snapped up. "That Doctor Brooks?"

He nodded his head. And here I was thinking I had managed to get that bastard out of the picture.

"Yeah bud I'll take you to school tomorrow." I gave Talen a smile, but he had no idea that he had just lit a fire within me. That bastard Doctor Brooks was still sniffing around.

A scream caused me to drop the spanner, and I bolted inside, followed hot on the heels by Talen. "Arya!" I yelled rushing into the house. Knowing very well that it was her scream.

Rushing into the kitchen, I cursed the house for having such a big layout as I looked around the kitchen, nothing, she wasn't here.

"ARYA!" I yelled, and hoping she would scream again. "ARYA!?"

Then making it up the first flight of steps I saw her hunched over in the hallway.

"Something isn't right Knox." She looked at me panicked, scared, so scared she didn't want to make a noise, in case that would somehow hurt the baby more.

"It's ok babygirl I'm right here." I kneeled down. 'I'll call an ambulance."

"No." She shook her head and I saw the panic coming out in her. She didn't want to admit something was wrong. "No I can't do this. I can't do it again." She looked at me, like I knew what she was talking about but I didn't. "I can't lose this baby Knox, please, please, please-" Her pleading was taken over by tears. And she let her head fall into my chest.

"Yes she on the floor."

My head snapped up, and there was Talen on my phone. "She ok, she breathing." he said into it.

Bloody hell he was a smart kid. He had called for help.

"Talen hand me the phone." I extended a hand to him, while holding onto Arya as she cried and sobbed into my chest. I took the phone and said our address. While trying to be calm for Arya, inside I was falling apart with fear.

Two things were causing a cold sweat across my body. One. That we could lose our child. Two. Her words were haunting me. I can't lose a baby again. Her words went around in my head again. What the hell had happened. When had she lost a baby?

Watching the fear and pain take over her beautiful face i felt my heart shatter, it would kill us both if we lost our baby. Looking at Talen as he knelt by Arya tears on his little face.

Where the fuck was that damn ambulance!

"Hold on baby, just keep your eyes on me." I rasp holding back the emotions that threatening to cripple me.

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