Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

I couldn't help the dread that filled my stomach as I parked the bike in the garage. I knew something was off with Arya, she had been keeping her distance from me. Starting work earlier, basically rolling out of bed as soon as she woke. I don't know how many times I woke up and she wasn't there. Gone before we even got our son up.

I soon started to piece things together. Like her on the phone, her mystery sudden early starts or late nights.

She was avoiding me or cheating on me. Both sent the same level of disgust through me, because I had caused it. Ever since I took her like a caveman, in the kitchen, that was when I started to notice her pulling back from our relationship.

I had really fucked up my relationship with her. And now as I hid my bike, to try and get to the bottom of what was going on- I just hoped I wasn't about to watch another man walk into my house.

I sat in the kitchen, waiting for her. I had told her that I was going on a run with the MC. Now hearing her car pull in the drive. I waited.

The front door opened and closed and Arya rushed in, holding bags and was minus our son. Looked like she was planning on cooking up a storm.

I continued to sit in the dark, watching her unpack the groceries. I knew that if there was a man that had made a move on her, it would be doctor dick face. The one that always went out of his way to be with her. The one that always made sure to be there for our sons doctors appointments.

She pulled out the cake mixture and Arya never fucking cooked. Let alone baked. So I knew now, she was cooking for someone and it wasn't me.

"Looks like you've got a busy night." I spoke in the dark.

Arya jumped up, and flicked on the lights. "Knox, why are you here?"

"Ruining your date?" I harashly speak, moving towards her. "Who is he?"

She swallowed sharply and I knew.

"Who's who?"

"The fucker, who you have decided to bake for, cuz fuck knows you don't bake for me"

" Unfuckingbelieveble have you forgot what the date is asshole."she snapped back at me.

Right now I couldn't give a fuck what the date was. My focus was on what she was doing behind my back. She was clearly baking for someone! I didn't see why the date mattered. Hell since she pulled away from me, all the days had blended into one. It had been a few long ass weeks.

"It's the thirteenth of December." She growled it, and then when I hadn't picked up. She throws a box at me and I catch it. "It's your birthday asshole."

I looked down at the birthday cake mixture.

Then looking up, and I saw her taking her top off.

"No." I quickly put my hand out. "After what happened last time we were in here."

She rolled her eyes, and then turned and everything faded away. All the concerns I had. All the worries I had about her cheating and leaving me- disappeared.

"You got my tattoo." I said, just above a whisper barely able to speak.

My eyes scanned over it, and then over it again.

She looked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes at me, then pulled her top back on. Walking out of the room. For fuck sake I really knew how to fuck things up. I quickly go after her.

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