Chapter 3

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Chapter Three


I lit up a cigarette, my knuckles bloody from the many times I had to prove to the men in jail not fucking get in way. To think one night, and a run with the police had costed me two months away from my family. I had called Arya, she never answered my phone call. She never returned the message I left. Considering she was my one phone call, I was in a fucked situation. It took another few weeks till I was allowed to call again, this time I called her father. Having had straight connections with the lawyers. I knew he was my best chance of getting me out of jail. I was being held on bullshit charges. All because I gave the police officers that pulled me over some attitude. They were lucky I hadn't slammed my fist into their jaws. Considering I had just heard Arya flat out say I wasn't worthy of being a parent.

All this time I thought she loved me. All this time I thought she considering me our sons father. Sure Clayton fathered him, but that was it. I was the one always there.

I thought it meant something. But clearly it meant nothing to her.

"You wanna tell me, why my daughter isn't the one bailing you out?" Gunner said to me. Guessing he wanted to get to the bottom of why Arya and I weren't on speaking terms. I had crashed here for a few days. Hadn't mentioned her. I just assumed he knew about her abortion and leaving my ass behind. Cause clearly I was just the anchor weighing her down.

I took a drag on my cigarette. Fuck I had missed the smokes. "Broke up." I said, looking at the cigarette and trying to ignore the fact that behind him, on the mantelpiece there was pictures of Arya and our son.

Fuck I missed Talen. I needed to see him. I missed my boy. But I really missed waking up with Arya in my arms.

Her flat out pulling back from me confirmed I was nothing but a fucking waste of space. I was good for pulling the trigger and burying up the clubs crimes.

A bottle came flying at my head. What the hell was with the Haryln's always having to throw something!

"What!" I yelled at him.

"You left my daughter pregnant! You broke up with her, when she was carrying your child?" His words were clipped, direct and fumed with anger.

"She broke up with me." I corrected him. "She wasn't keeping the kid. Didn't think I deserved to be a parent."

"Is that so." He clicked his tongue and then moved the stack of magazine and newspapers and handed me a letter. "Got this in the mail this morning. Putting your story and the one she is telling, and it isn't a fucking clear picture I am getting."

I opened the letter, and out fell a more updated ultrasound picture.

"So what's this? The last scan before she terminated?" The words were tight but I managed to get them out.

"No. read the letter."

Dear Knox

I never expect you to forgive me, but I wanted you to know. I will forever love you. I'm sorry for the hurtful words I said. I wish I could take them back. You are and always will be Talen's father. You ARE a great father. I know now, I don't deserve to be mothering the child inside of me. But I wanted you to know, that I will love this baby, as much as I love you.

This baby will have my full heart. And I will forever hold you dear. I've moved out of your house. Here is the key.

Again I hope one day you can forgive me. I never want to keep this baby away from knowing it's true father, which is you. So when you are ready to meet your child, let me know. Dad has my information.

One day, I hope you find a woman that deserves you. Because I never did.


There was teardrops on the letter, and I looked at her father. "You read this?"

"Fucking oath I did. When I heard her moving out of your house. I wanted answers. She wouldn't give them. Just gave me that letter to pass on to you."

"Well I guess you got your answers." I said not wanting to give anymore about Aryas and mines relationship away.

"Nah I didn't cause, she is living in a shithole side of town. Bringing up my grandchildren. With mr Doctor Pants, hanging around."

My head snapped up. "What?"

"The doctor!" he waved a hand at me. "The one trying to convince her to move in with him, you know because it isn't safe for her to be living on that side of town by herself."

I gritted my teeth. "He is is in the picture is he?"

"Here is an idea Knox." He stood up. "Be the fucking King your meant to be, and go claim her back."

With those words said, he walked out of the living room, leaving me with a burning cigarette in one hand and Arya's apology in the other.

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