the eating disorder struggle

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(TW: mention of eating disorders)

My struggle is, I don't know if I'm always full or never full... Like even when I eat as often as I should, it's like eating two bites of pizza would leave me with the same feeling of eating two whole pizzas.

Which that feeling is the same as when I don't eat for two minutes versus twelve hours.

I really just guesstimate on how often I should eat and how much anymore. Makes for some interesting convos with friends. In fact, I had a half day at school yesterday, got off at my friend's stop (idk what her name is in the ace journal but it's the one that lives a block and a half from me, Sarah I think so here is that). About 12:30 she tells me to go upstairs with her and I follow, she opens the fridge and goes, "Let's figure out some lunch."

"I forgot about lunch," I said.

She glared.

I wasn't joking.

I normally don't eat lunch when I'm not at school and even when I do my best friend (Kauffman for those ace journal readers, for here it's Kamden) will occasionally yell at me because I "don't eat sh**."

On a more positive note I had three meals today but breakfast was just chocolate.

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