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A knock on the door made Crystal and Lexi look up. They were currently in Lexi's bedroom and they had just posted their Instagram pictures to promote the release of Youngblood. "Come in." Lexi said, wondering who would be behind the door.

"Hi." Calum said, staying in the doorframe instead of walking further inside. "Calum." Lexi said monotone. "I'm going back to Mike, see you." Crystal said quickly. She got up from the bed and walked past Calum out of the room. 

"You can come in." Lexi said, Calum still stood in the doorframe and it made her uncomfortable. "I don't know if I was welcome." Calum sighed and took a few steps in to the room, staring at Lexi who was still sat in bed with her lower body under the covers.

It was currently one in the afternoon, everybody was awake and some were hungover. Lexi had the pleasure of not having that much of a hangover, instead, she was more nauseous of Calum and her feelings of not being welcome in his life.

"You're always welcome, Calum, you know that." Lexi said. Calum nodded and sat down at the end of the bed, his side facing Lexi. "That doesn't mean I always like how you act, though." Lexi then said, starting the conversation.

It was pretty clear why Calum had come in here in the first place, he wanted and had to talk about yesterday, when they left things unfinished. This was not going to be a nice conversation. Lexi was scared she might not have a best friend after this. Lexi got up out of the bed and let the oversized t-shirt hang down her body. She opened the door to her balcony, lighting up a cigarette. Calum stayed inside the room and stared at her from the doorframe.

"Listen, Lexi. I didn't come here for you to immediately drag me like that." Calum started saying. Lexi raised one of her brows and looked at Calum. "You know, I came in here to apologise and tell you I am sorry if I made it look like you were not welcome here or with my friends." Calum said. "Well-" Lexi wanted to reply but she got caught off.

"But you really think you're the queen around here. If you want to go out we all drop our things and just come with you. That is not how this works, Lexi. You came here for me, so we're doing things I planned for us to do. I had this entire month planned out but instead you don't want to come with me to parties and you end up in a club somewhere with some of my best friends." Calum said, clenching his fists.

"Calum, I came here for you!" Lexi said, slightly raising her voice. "I didn't come here for the parties, for the fancy lunch spots or whatever. I came here to hang out with you!" She said, taking a hit of the cigarette.

"Well you came here to experience my life. And this is my fucking life, Lexi." Calum said, staring at Lexi and realising she was wearing one of his old t-shirts. "I did not come here to experience the parties. Calum. I literally came here so I could hug you every day and we could hang around town. I don't want to hang out with your annoying friends that think they're better than me just because they're famous." Lexi yelled, standing up and in front of him.

Calum was quiet for a second. "That is not what my friends think! Alexa said yesterday that she thinks you're a really sweet girl." Calum said, staring at his best friend, filled with anger. "Calum. If she thought I was a sweet girl, she would follow me on Instagram. Just like Roy. He didn't even acknowledge my presence the last time I saw him." Lexi said, her eyes becoming watery.

"I just came here for a month to see you and hang out with you, to hug you, to cuddle you, to watch movies with you and go to the beach. Of course, a party every now and then doesn't hurt anybody. But I wanted to do it with YOU. But the second we're at a party you're off with who even." Lexi sighed, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"I think we have different perspectives of why you're here, Lexi." Calum said in the most monotone voice. "So? What do you want to do?" Lexi started saying, she had a feeling she knew what was coming. Lexi finished her cigarette and put it in the plant on the side of the balcony. He was quiet for a long time. 

"I think it's better if you just fly home a week early. I'll get you a ticket." Calum sighed and turned around.

"Calum!" Lexi yelled, rushing back in to her room and shutting the balcony door, tears now running down her cheeks.

"Don't do this! You asshole!" She yelled, slapping his back out of anger. "You can't do this to me! Do not ruin our friendship!" She continued screaming but it was like he didn't hear her. He just walked out of the room whilst Lexi fell to the ground.

The screaming became crying and the crying became sobbing. Suddenly, a few hands were placed on her arms and she was picked up, bridal style, and laid in her bed. She opened her swollen eyes of crying to see Luke holding her. She frowned and tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong. "Let go." She groaned, pushing him away.

"Lexi." She heard another voice and she looked up, seeing Ashton. He got ahold of her hands and she pulled herself in to his chest instead of Luke's. She laid in his arms and continued crying. "Go on, mate, I think I've got this. Go check on Calum." Ashton said, making Lexi wince at the sound of Calum's name.

The sobbing continued and it stayed like that for a while. In no time, Ashton's entire t-shirt was soaked with tears and he was just as hopeless. He tried shushing Lexi but it was no help. She was hyperventilating. He tried to calm her down, let her do breathing exercises but nothing worked. After holding her and humming songs she eventually calmed down and fell asleep. 

Lexi was probably drained from the panic attack. She looked so calm so Ashton just couldn't let her go. He grabbed the duvet covers and laid down with Lexi cuddled in to his chest. Ashton was awake for a long time.

He was so confused, so unsure of how this could have happened. Calum didn't change that much, did he? Then how did he hurt Lexi so much. He was just as confused as Lexi was, eventually this caused him to fall asleep as well.

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