10- "okay dad"

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As Luke held her, continually mumbling to her how worthy of life she was, and how much she had impacted our lives within two days of being with us.

Her head stayed against his collar bone, the relaxer affecting her more and more.

"Don't make me sleep" she spoke out, sitting up to fight it.

"You need sleep, darling" Ashton spoke before any of us could.

She shook her head no, rubbing her eyes.

"No ones coming in, Payton" I spoke slowly.

"Rick is in custody of the police sunshine- there's no way in hell he's getting here" Luke spoke slowly.

"He's smart-" "he's not that smart" I chimed in.

She wasn't having it.

So we let her fight it.

Michael turned on a movie- we turned every light off, we all sat around her- making it as hard on her as we could.

I laid beside her in bed- drawing shapes into her back as she rested her weight against me.

Just as I felt her body almost give in- there was a extremely exaggerated knock at the door- making her immediately jump lightly.

"You're okay" I spoke as Luke turned a lamp on- Ashton getting up to go to the door.

"Sorry I'm late" her social worked laughed as he entered, turning even more lights on- not helping us at all.

"So I still don't have a home." He laughed out awkwardly.

The five of us stared at him- waiting.

"And?" I spoke- making him clear his throat lightly.

"How um- how long will the hospital allow her to stay until I can find foster parents?"

"She could go home right now- but I can hold her here for another few days just because if bruising and shit- but that state might just step in soon due to charges-" "yes, yes- they've already contacted me." He put his hand to his forehead, clearly stressed.

"What's it take to be a foster parent?" Ashton and I spoke in unison- our heads shooting to each other at the shock.

He blinked lightly

"Just a background check and some paperwork"

The four of us glanced to each other.

"Calum don't-" I cut Payton off

"Run my background check"

He took no time- he started making calls.

"Don't do this out of pity." Payton spoke to me- her eyes bloodshot.

"This isn't pity." I spoke quickly.

"This is because I care about you- and I'm certainly not letting a stranger walk away with you."

I ended up on the phone with several people- discussing my job, my past with family and such before I got a sigh and a

"Are you sure you're capable of assisting in raising a child who has been through the medical situation-" "I'm more than capable."

After that, I signed ass tons of papers.

"Mr.Calum Hood- you are the temporary custody holder of Payton May Scott, you are given her birth certificate, social security card along with any other papers that are significant to her." He spoke, handing me a folder.

"I will do monthly check ins- just making sure everyone is happy, but if you need anything before, this is my contact information." He nodded, making me accept it- thanking him.

I turned to Payton as he collected his things- packing to leave.

She was sleeping against Luke's chest- Luke also out cold against her.

Ashton grinned.

"Okay dad" Ashton spoke out with a wider grin, proud of himself.

"Sign her discharge papers so we can get her into a real bed."

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