Chapter twenty four

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The moment they reached the destination, immediately they felt that something was wrong because everything seems to be quiet and deadly in the middle of the night. They hoped that Frey is okay and that Mordred has not harmed her or did something worse.
Just then, Mordred appeared in front of them with an evil glint in his eyes and a smirk that told them that he had the worst planned for them. Merlyn really hoped that her magic which is strong can outwit him. "Well, well. Isnt it the Future King and his trusted Emrys? It seems the old religion is right after all, by saying that that you two would reunite again and make the world pure again. You know what I think? I think that it should be corrected when I kill both of you again." Said Mordred as he took one step closer towards and then turned his back on him.
"Where is Frey? What did you do to her?" Shouted Merlyn as she is anxious to know the condition of her daughter. "Oh you mean that stupid and naive girl. I still cannot believe that she is the daughter of the most strong couple but instead she turned out to be like that." Said Mordred as he smirked and raised his hand as if ready to do a spell that might do harm to Merlyn and Arthur.
Merlyn was ready to protect them if required, its time for Mordred to pay for his sins and for trying to harm her family. It seems like Arthur has the same thoughts as Merlyn because he held Merlyn in a protective manner while looking at Mordred with pure anger on his face.
This is the person whom he protected from Uther when he was just a kid and made him a knight but how things had changed. This is the same person responsible for his death that separated him from Merlyn and his daughter Frey for centuries. But no more pain, its time for Mordred to realise the errors of his ways. Few minutes passed, but there was no attack yet which confused both of them and was slowly letting their guard down which is the first mistake they made.
Just then Mordred released his ultimate weapon which is none other than Frey who has been brainwashed by him. Both Merlyn and Arthur gasped both in susprise and shock because they cannot believe that Mordred is controlling their daughter and that they have to fight their own daughter. Even Merlyn was little hesistant to use her magic so she has to be extra careful with the spells that she has to use when defending herself and Arthur. However, without a warning Frey started attacking them and both of them tried to take cover and Merlyn slowly went towards her daughter in order to break the spell that Mordred seemed to put her on. Whereas, Arthur went towards Mordred empty handed which is not a good choice but he has no choice but to fight with him bare handed. They started fighting but it became soon clear that they did not have the upper hand.
Just then, something felt different in the air as Arthur was about to attack Mordred the sword of Excalibur appeared out of nowhere and Arthur quickly firmly grasped it and went to attack with a new resolution in his mind. Meanwhile, Merlyn temporarly knocked Frey out and went towards Arthur in order to help and save him at the same time. Just as Mordred was about to attack Arthur, Merlyn quickly created a shield that protected Arthur and finally with the help of the shield Arthur plunged the Excalibur deep inside Mordred's stomach which immediately killed him and made Frey faint again.
They both could not believe it, the danger has finally passed and quickly went towards Frey. Frey woke up in confusion and start crying while asking for her parents forgiveness for not believing them when they and her uncles told her what kind of person Mordred was. They quickly forgave her and soon they went home for there is no more danger. And they are finally together and nothing would separate them anymore.

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