Chapter eighteen

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After finally confessing what they feel to each other, Frey agreed to go on a date with him tonight. She cannot wait for him to meet her parents, she really hoped that they would like and accept him because he is the perfect person who seems to be made just for her. The bell rung indicating it is time for classes. They both said goodbye and went on their separate classes. But Frey couldnt concentrate on her classes for her mind is on the upcoming date and what she need to wear in order to impress him.
Hopefully, her mother would help her in that department though her father would probably make some kind of joke about her mother's choice by saying that her mother dressed as a man during her time at Camleot. Sometimes, there are times that Frey wished that she was at Camleot so she could have experienced what her parents have and lived. But sadly, according to this century Camleot is just a legend and her father also. There are speculations among people who study History on whether or not her father actually existed or not. Not to mention, they had changed a lot of her parents history and some others. But however, it seems that she is forgetting the most important part of her parents history and that is the person who killed her father thus ending the dream of the golden age and making Camleot as one nation.
Soon, the bell rung indicating the classes are over for the day and she quickly went out towards the gates hurridly saying goodbye to her friends who are left in confusion over what is happening. Her parents came just in time and she quickly got inside the car. Before she could say anything else, she quickly told them that she had a date with the guy whom she likes. Both Arthur and Merlyn were very happy because they knew how much their daughter likes this guy.

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