Chapter nineteen

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It is the night of the date, everyone seemed excited and happy for Frey. It seems that her uncles had even came to their home just for this purpose, though she begged them not to scare or embrass him. But they told her that they need to know whether or not he is good enough for her after all she is the daughter of a King and a powerful witch. She is a princess after all. When she looked at her parents for support, they shrugged their shoulders as saying that whatever her uncles slash the Knights of Camleot and her parents close friends and allies is true.
Okay, she can do this and she hoped that she does not say anything embrassing. Suddenly, the doorbell rung indicating that her date is here, before she could escape from them everyone went towards the front door to open and welcome their guest.
Her parents laughed at their friends antics and went downstairs while she remained in her room getting ready. Frey wondered what would the reaction and just then she heard a loud gasp among them and suddenly it turned into whispers. She wondered what the heck was going on so she went downstairs to investigate.
The scene was what she did not expected because she imagined them teasing him and giving him the shovel talk. But here is much different, it seems that her uncle Gwaine and her dad Arthur is being held by others who seem to be struggling. While the rest of her uncles and her mom has a angry expression on their face. "What is going on?" Asked Frey with confusion on her face and voice. "Frey, do you know who is this?" Asked her mom. "Yes, he is the guy whom I was telling about. The one whom I had feelings for." "I am sorry sweetheart, but I and the rest of us will not allow you go on a date with him".
"What? Are you serious? Why would you do that? Dont answer that. Dont you guys care for me and mom I never said anything to you when you were waiting for dad to come back. But, when I found my own slice of happiness, you guys were happy for me but now this reaction. I hate you guys." Said Frey and went towards her room crying.

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