I. Thoughts

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Tomorrow marks a year without Michael. Just the thought of him makes my heart ache. Why did this have to happen? Everything could have been so perfect but he ruined it. Dr. Loomis; a scheming, lying asshole. Countless times, he has assured me that everything will be fine because I will have visitation days with Michael. He has not returned my calls since the day he had taken him. James has been around, comforting me and telling me that he will come back soon, but will he? It's been close to a year and hasn't escaped. Maybe... he forgot about me. Tears pricked my (e/c) eyes, followed by sniffles. A few footsteps entered the room and stopped in front of me. Strong arms wrapped around my torso and patted my back. I missed every single thing about Michael; his toffee eyes, his umber locks, and his pale mask, even though a part of me still hated it.

"It's okay, (Y/n). He will come back soon."


"Almost a year," James corrected me, "Tomorrow will be a year."

"It feels like it has been decades. I... I miss him."

"(Y/n), he escaped from that place last Halloween. What says that there isn't a possibility that he will escape this year?"

Why hadn't I realized that? He could escape tomorrow... but chances may be slim. A warm feeling coursed through my heart and brought a smile upon my face. Hope; something I hadn't had in a while.

"Don't worry about it anymore. I don't like seeing you like this."

James wiped away my tears using the black sleeve of his baseball jacket. Rubbing my back, he reassured me. James reminded me so much of Michael; always protective and caring toward me. Pulling away from the hug, I sniffled and shot a smile toward James. His brown eyes lit up happily and a smile graced his lips.

"Don't cry anymore. I have to go to work. See you soon and love you."

Grabbing his truck keys, he went out the front door. I heard the door lock after he closed it. Sighing, I plopped down on the brown, leather sofa. My lips contorted into a frown as thoughts of Michael lingered in the back of my mind. I longed for him; I needed him. I craved his touch and his presence. Just a mere glance at him would bring warmth in my heart and butterflies in my stomach. Little drops of rain began to pitter-patter on the window. Glancing over to the window, I saw the raindrops slide down the window in a careless manner. James' truck was gone and I heard an engine echo in the distance. I wanted him to stay home but I know that he couldn't. He already took a couple weeks off when I was first bawling my eyes out over Michael. Michael... when will I ever see him again? I grabbed the remote and pressed the red power button, causing the T.V. to turn on. It was tuned to the news and a blonde male had his hands locked over a stack of disorganized papers. His suit seemed a bit tight on him because the red tie was slanted and the black jacket was snug on his shoulders and arms.

Clearing his throat, he announced, "As everybody knows, tomorrow is America's beloved holiday; Halloween. To stay safe, we advise that you check your kid's candy and carry a flashlight with you at all times. Halloween has the most missing person reports every year so be very cautious when trick-or-treating and avoid the boogeyman-"

"The Boogeyman," I whispered to myself in a low tone.

The simple mention of Michael's title made my skin crawl, yet it brought a warm, comfortable feeling. If I could just be wrapped up in his arms once more... That's all I ask for. Just one more cuddle... one more kiss... anything would be fine. I wrapped myself in a warm, fuzzy (f/c) blanket and listened to the roaring rain. The clouds created an eerie, grey sky that gave off a menacing feeling. My cheeks heated up from the cold touch of the breeze that came through the window and my (h/l), (h/c) locks swayed a bit. Reclining on the couch, I smiled inwardly and closed my (e/c) eyes. Michael... come home soon.

Michael's POV

364 days of waiting. Sighing, I stared out the window. My mind was clouded with thoughts of her . Something felt so empty without her; so incomplete. It almost feels like a part of me was left with her . Dr. Loomis has been performing his meaningless experiments in hopes of finding a 'cure'. I do not need a cure. The only thing I need is (Y/n) and that's final. Every day, he would try to pull a simple mutter or word from my mouth but it would never happen. The only person that could make me talk or show any form of emotion is (Y/n). My clasped hands hung freely in between my legs as I slouched down. The door creaked open but I didn't bother looking. I could tell those noisy footsteps belonged to Dr. Loomis. He lied. (Y/n) has not been able to visit me at all. His excuse was that she's sick but I could clearly see through his measley lie. (Y/n) always takes her vitamins at exactly 9:00 A.M. every single day and then she takes a steamy shower at exactly 9:10 A.M. Sometimes, she will forget her favorite, (f/c) towel on the bed but she didn't have to worry. I was always there to correct her small mistakes. A shadow towered over me, followed by the screech of a stool. Focusing on the figure in front of me, I saw Dr. Loomis position a stool in front of me and sit on it. His baby blue eyes bore into toffee ones, almost as if they were seeking answers. My eyebrows furrowed at his presence and my blood pressure raised. Clenching my fists, I glared at him and made no verbal response.

"Tomorrow marks a year that you escaped from Smith's Grove Sanitarium. Do you have any intention of escaping again?"


"Michael," Dr. Loomis sighed, "I need some type of response."




"Do you plan on going back to (Y/n)?"

My head perked up at the mention of her name and a warm, pleasant feeling coursed through me. Dr. Loomis took note of my sudden behavior change and smiled. Writing down something on his clipboard, he scooted closer to me and leaned his face close to mine.

"You plan on escaping just to see her again, right Michael?"

Staring at the ground, I made no response. I bit my lip, holding back an angry growl. Why is her name coming out of HIS MOUTH? He has no right to speak of her. She is mine and mine alone. Nobody else can mention her or have her.

"Michael Myers," he spoke sternly, "You will not escape to see that stupid girl. You will stay here and be a subject of my work. You will not see that naive, ignorant girl again."

Standing up, I didn't hesitate to wrap my hands around his neck. My umber eyes were clouded by pure rage and hatred. How could he disrespect her? Who is HE to even utter a single word about her? He is nothing. Gags and cut-off screams escaped his pale lips as his fearful blue orbs jolted around the room. Watching his miserable fight to escape, a slight smirk graced my lips. He deserves death and nothing else.


The door flung open and heavy stomps echoed behind me, followed by a jolt of electricity to my back. Grimacing from the pain, I dropped Dr. Loomis and fell back into the chair. My orbs glared at the security guard who was carrying a taser. His brown orbs bore into my eyes as he furrowed his brows.

"Charlie, I need you to call more security guards to watch Michael's room tonight. We don't want him escaping again."

"GOT IT. AYE ROBERT, CALL UP EVAN AND AIDAN! WE GOTTA WATCH OVER THE CRAZY MOTHAFUCKA TONIGHT," Charlie yelled in his walkie-talkie as he exited the room.

Angry breaths escaped my nose as Dr. Loomis stood up and dusted himself off. He put his pen back in the pocket of his beige, tattered coat and held his clipboard. Walking past me, he flickered off the light and stood in the doorway. His silhouette was all I could see.

"Perhaps you will be more cooperative tomorrow. Goodnight, Michael Myers."

Closing the door, I was secluded and surrounded by total darkness, which my eyes soon adjusted too. The window remained slightly open and the cool breeze rolled in, gracing my cheeks. The clouds had a tint of mysterious blackness to them, making them appear more ominous. Sighing to myself, I leaned back in my chair. Nothing will stop me from seeing (Y/n). Charlie and his weak friends cannot get in my way. They will all be cut down.

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